5.7. Bar Code Laser Scanner
The bar code reader has an own intelligence and is delivered with default settings. The default set-
tings allow the reading of the bar code types UPC-A, EAN 8, EAN 13, Code 128, Code 39 and Inter-
leaved 2/5. The scanner has various additional functions. Please observe the manual “SE 955 -
Scan Engine Integration Guide.pdf“ on the DVD or in the download area of our website. Settings are
made by scanning the corresponding bar code in the manual.
The most important configuration bar codes, which are necessary for standard use of the Timeboy,
are summarized subsequently. The scanner beam turns off when the configuration bar code was
read. The display shows no information as configuration bar codes are processed directly by the
scanner. The input field must be configured in the setup correspondingly so that scanning is possi-
ble. Alternatively, you can make the settings needed via the system menu Scanner Test.
If the scanner is reading but nothing is displayed at the Timeboy, the settings of the scanner have
possibly been altered. In this case, please restore the basic settings.
You can find this sheet with bar codes on the DVD under < Datafox DVD\Timeboy II und III\Datafox_TimeboyIII\Handbuch, Doku>.
Please observe the notes in the chapter "
For Your Safety
" when using the laser scanner.
5.8. Transponder Reader (RFID)
The transponder reader is integrated in the device. The type plate and the label at the back side of
the device show you whether the option is available. The transponder reader is enabled via the set-
tings in Datafox Studio.
When the transponder reader is active, a beeper signal is sent. Hold the transponder close to the
transponder label of the Timeboy. Whether the transponder reader is to be activated automatically
or manually via the key Barcode/RFID, can be set in the setup.
Transponder Reader TS-21 125kHz:
Unique, Hitag1, Hitag2, HitagS, Titan/Hewi/EM4450
Transponder Reader ISO 13,56 MHz R/W
ISO14443 u. ISO15693 (Mifare-DESFire, MF Plus, ICode…)
Transponder Reader for Legic Advant
Manual TimeboyIV
page 25
date: 11.07.2013 Version 04.02.04