© 2015 Datacom Systems Inc
VS-10XX-F, VS-11XX-F, VS-12XX-F FASTstart Guide
A port group must be created consisting of the 4 ports that are connected to the Intrusion
Detection Systems (IDS).
create group output_ports
Creates a port group named “output_ports”.
add group member output_ports 2,3,4,5
Adds ports 2, 3, 4, and 5 to the group.
show group output_ports
Shows the details for the group “output_ports”.
A load balancing configuration must be created to load balance traffic from the Tapped link to
the 4 IDSs.
create lbc LBC1
Creates a LBC named “LBC1”.
set lbc ingress-ports LBC1 1
Sets port 1 as the ingress port for” LBC1”.
set lbc egress-ports LBC1 output_ports
Sets the port group “output_ports” as the egress
ports in LBC “LBC1”.
set lbc state LBC1 active
Activates the load balance group to start passing
Traffic from the Tapped link will now be load balanced to the 4 IDSs. The 1G monitoring
devices are able to share the traffic coming in from the 10G link. This allows them to not
become oversubscribed with traffic.