Datacard is a registered trademark
and service mark of DataCard
Corporation. ID Works is a registered
trademark of DataCard Corporation.
Visa is a registered trademark of Visa
© 2003 DataCard Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Information subject to change
without notice.
Printed in U.S.A.
Great value, proven solution
All of the hardware, software and services are bundled into a single price from Datacard
Group. Special solution pricing is available to Visa members under the Visa
Breakthrough Program.
Issuers looking to purchase a new Datacard
9000 or 7000 Series card issuance system,
or those who already have an existing Datacard
desktop printer, should contact their
Datacard authorized solutions provider for pricing.
Supports all major cards and applications
The special Visa Smart Breakthrough program pricing includes support for:
• Single Visa
Smart Debit/Credit (VSDC) payment application on one of the following
card types:
– Visa
Smart Breakthrough cards ($.99 card)
– Visa
TIBC 3.0 card
– GlobalPlatform Java cards
– Cards supporting Common Personalization Specification (CPS)
Other smart card programs, including proprietary cards and non-payment applications,
can also be supported by this solution. Datacard can customize the software to provide
custom audit files, data formatting, unattended operations and many other capabilities to
meet your unique requirements. Contact your Datacard authorized solutions provider for
specific pricing.
Key benefits to card issuers
Easy migration
Datacard offers a complete package of professional services to help with every step of
the EMV migration process. This helps ensure program success and provides
predictable costs for the issuer.
Investment protection
Issuers can migrate to smart cards using existing Datacard
9000 or 7000 Series card
issuance systems or they can start with a desktop system. The software is the same for
both solutions, so issuers can easily expand to meet future requirements. The solution
is also built on GlobalPlatform open standards, which allow issuers to source cards,
applications and scripts from any GlobalPlatform-compliant vendor in the future.
11111 Bren Road West
Minnetonka, MN 55343-9015
+1 952 933 1223
+1 952 931 0418 FAX
EMV Personalization Solutions