2. Basics
Power ON
To power on your Darma cushion, simply press and hold the “ON/OFF button” for 3
seconds. The circular “Status indicator” will illuminate and there will be a short vibration
: If the cushion can not be powered on, try charging the cushion for 1 hour. For
details, please see “Charging” section.
Get connected
Darma cushion is designed to work together with a smartphone or tablet
. Please follow
these steps to pair the device with your cushion:
1. Go to “Settings” menu of your phone/tablet and turn on Bluetooth. You may also turn
on Bluetooth in “Control Center” of iOS devices.
2. Make sure your cushion is powered on and is NOT being charged. For safety
reasons, charging prohibits all functions of the cushion
3. Open Darma APP, and follow instructions in the APP to pair with your cushion
. The
status indicator will turn green once the cushion is paired. You can also check Bluetooth
connection through “Settings” page within the APP.
: We support devices running iOS. For a complete list of supported devices, please
go to our website “darma.co” and find the latest information.
: Please see “Charging” section for safe charging operation.
: Darma cushion is a Bluetooth 4.0 (BLE) based device, so pairing procedure is
different from conventional Bluetooth. Please use Darma APP to pair with your cushion.
Auto/Manual OFF
As you leave the chair, Darma cushion will turn into low power mode. If not used for 3
days, your cushion will automatically be OFF to save power. So feel free to leave the
cushion ON over the weekend.
You may also power off the cushion for a long trip. To manually power OFF, first make
sure the cushion is NOT being charged. Then press and hold the “ON/OFF button” for 3
seconds. You will see the “Status indicator” go dark.