Chapter 1
VXI-SC-1102 User Manual
National Instruments Corporation
The VXI-SC-1000 is a carrier module that installs into a slot in a
VXIbus chassis and is populated with one or two submodules. The
VXI-SC-1102 is a submodule that installs into VXI-SC subslots on a
VXI-SC-1000 carrier module.
Your VXI-SC-1000 carrier module is shipped with a filler panel
installed in one of the submodule sites. This filler panel is necessary for
the attachment of the front panel, so you should leave it in place until
you are ready to install a VXI-SC submodule.
About the VXI-SC-1102
The VXI-SC-1102 is a submodule for the signal conditioning of
thermocouples, low-bandwidth volt and millivolt sources, 4 to 20 mA
current sources, and 0 to 20 mA process-current sources. The
VXI-SC-1102 has 32 differential analog input channels and one
cold-junction sensor channel. On each channel, the VXI-SC-1102 has a
three-pole lowpass filter with a 2 Hz cutoff frequency to reject 60 Hz
noise. Each channel also has an amplifier with a selectable gain of 1 or
100. You can multiplex the VXI-SC-1102 inputs to a single output,
which drives a single VXI-MIO board channel.
The VXI-SC-1102 operates with full functionality with National
Instruments VXI-MIO modules. You can multiplex several
VXI-SC-1102 submodules and other VXI signal conditioning
submodules into a single channel on the VXI-MIO module, greatly
increasing the number of analog input signals that you can digitize.
You can also use National Instruments terminal blocks, which have
screw terminals to which you attach the input signals for the
VXI-SC-1102. In addition, some of these terminal blocks have a
temperature sensor for thermocouple cold-junction compensation
(CJC). The VXI-SC-1102 multiplexes this cold-junction sensor with the
32 input channels during a hardware scan. A National Instruments
isothermal terminal block is recommended for thermocouple
Detailed specifications of the VXI-SC-1102 are listed in Appendix A,
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