USB3-FRM14 Users Manual (Rev 1.1)
The USB3-FRM14 is a board having the function of processing the frame data received from HD-SDI
(High Definition Serial Digital Interface) standard camera and transfer to PC through Super Speed
(5Gbps) USB3.0 interface. It can support a Full HD (High Definition) resolution.
The operation of the board is controlled by program API, figure [1-1] shows connection of the system
(usually PC).
[Figure 1-1. USB3-FRM14 board Usage]
As shown in Figure [1-1], the USB3-FRM14 is inserted into any available USB3.0 slot in your PC. It
receives Image Frame through HD-SDI interface and saves the received data in the system main
memory via Super Speed(5Gbps) USB3.0 interface.