C: When the tracker-‐cord is in posi8on, disconnect the search spring, and
connect the tracker-‐cord to the antenna-‐cord by screwing them firmly
Go to the web app:
and login.
Once logged in, you can create your own personal setup.
Use a search spring to guide the tracker-‐cord through the hole:
A: Insert the search spring up through the saddle tube, and connect the cord.
B: Pull the tracker-‐cord cau8ously through the hole, with the search spring.
A: Follow the instruc8ons that comes with the
glue, regarding cleaning and hardening.
B: Apply suitable amount of glue to the antenna.
All Safety Guard GPS trackers are tested by
DanTracker 100% before expor8ng from the fabric.
It is GUARANTEED func8oning.
Safety Guard GPS is shock-‐ and water-‐resistant,
Anyhow it is a sensi8ve electronical device, and
should be handled with care.
The most sensi8ve part of the Safety Guard GPS
tracker, is the extern antenna-‐cord,
it is highly recommended that the cord is treated
with cau8ousness, and is not clamped, stretched or
cut in any way.
It is recommended to use the Safety Guard
Moun8ng Kit, which includes: primer, glue, foam,
and search spring. The glue that comes with the
Moun8ng Kit is an allround glue, which is testet to
work on most types of paint and enviroments.
However it might occur that it does not work on
certain types of paint or enviroments. It is very
important to clean probably and use primer on the
surface before applying the glue.
DanTracker gives no guarantee for the glue to work
in your enviroment.
Safety Guard GPS is a one 8me use only product, and
the baEery is not rechargeable.
Dantracker provides a 2 year warranty on Safety
Guard GPS.
The Warranty does not cover self-‐inflicted
Damages, such as incorrect use, failed moun8ng or
rough treatment. Dantracker disclaims any liability.
The use of Safety Guard GPS is en8rely on your own
ini8a8ve and responsibility.
Safety Guard GPS is produced en8rely for tracking
items. It is Illegal to track people with GPS devices
with out the persons accept. Safety Guard GPS is not
produced to track people, and will not work properly
if used so.
Dantracker disclaims any liability that lost items are
found regardless they are aEached to a Safety Guard
GPS tracker.
Dantracker gives no guarantee the Safety Guard GPS
posi8on is registered right, as it is dependent on right
weather, surroundings and placements.
Should any problems occur in regards to moun8ng
the Safety Guard GPS, or should you have ques8ons
in regards to the products use.
Please mail:
C: Place the antenna to cover the hole, the cord is
hidden within the tube.
Hold the antenna with tape 8ll the glue is hardened.
D: Organize the cord to prevent it from being
clamped, stretched or cut.
Apply foam around the tracker ( avoid the cord.)
Safety Guard GPS EA - Dantracker Technology Company ApS