er amplifier to drive them – the M5. Until
now, people had to choose between sys-
tems that had pleasing sound but lacked
vitality, or systems with more vitality but
lacking natural sound. A new series of
high efficiency speaker drivers is the foun-
dation of Daniel Hertz systems. It is impor-
tant to understand why high efficiency is
important. The laws of physics say that the
lower the efficiency of a speaker, the more
electrical energy is turned into heat. What-
ever is turned into heat is lost and cannot
be retrieved with more powerful amplifi-
ers. With Daniel Hertz systems, 1 Watt of
power produces 100 decibels (dB) of sound
Daniel Hertz is dedicated to reproducing
music with unprecedented faithfulness
and emotional impact. Our philosophy is
based on quality and simplicity.
Daniel Hertz components are optimized to
work together to produce the most natu-
ral sound, extreme ease of operation, the
highest reliability, and classical design
which is always pleasing to the eye. Dan-
iel Hertz engineers and craftspeople fine
tune the sonic quality of each component
with science and the ear. The ultimate test
is recording a musical event and playing it
back. When it truly sounds and feels like
the musicians are in the room, we invite
you to listen for yourself.
Daniel Hertz introduces a revolutionary
breakthrough: the first high efficiency au-
dio systems with extremely natural sound.
In addition to high efficiency speakers,
Daniel Hertz has developed the ideal pow-
pressure level (SPL). This means that most
listening levels require only milliWatts of
power. With Daniel Hertz systems, you
hear the beginnings of notes, the full body
of the sound, the details and harmonics
and the most subtle sounds, so you have
real connection with what the musicians
are doing, and you experience what they
This result is achieved with the Daniel
Hertz M5 Telikos Mono Reference Power
Amplifier with high purity in the milli-
Watt region; the Daniel Hertz M6 1 Meg-
Ohms Preamplifier, a new design with
ultra-transparent sound; the Daniel Hertz
Silver 1 pure silver litz interconnects; and
Daniel Hertz Premium 500 speaker cable.
Daniel Hertz components can be used in-
dividually with other equipment. Those
searching for the ultimate listening ex-
perience are invited to hear a complete
Daniel Hertz system, the most advanced
audio achievement personally designed
by Mark Levinson.