System 8700 User Manual
Rev 0.95
Page 15 of 32
and there is a section like above for each interlock. The number in the square brackets is the
index of the interlock, please use Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6 to find out what digital input is
connected to what interlock data variables.
The variables are used as follows:
This variable sets the display text that will be shown in the interlock list in
the HMI.
bIsLock: True
indicates that this is a true interlock.
bIsWarn: True
indicates that this a warning.
cannot be true at the same time.
It is very important that the format and the order of the file is maintained. The software that
reads the file on the PLC requires a specific syntax to read the file. It is not allowed to make
comments in the file. It is not allowed to add extra white spaces in the file.
Editing the files
Basically there are two ways to edit the file:
FTP. Use a normal FTP client to connect to the PLCs IP address and use the user name
and password
. Navigate to the directory /root-www/Recipes and
download the required file. Edit the file and upload the file again.
Local editor. On the local monitor go to the Windows Start menu as described in section
4.4.1 and Click Run and
type in “notepadce”. In the NotepadCE program click File/
Open and
navigate to \Hard Disk\WWW\Recipes\ and load the required file.
Remote control interface
The MPS can be controlled remotely either via ethernet or via RS232.
Ethernet interface
The remote communication interface is TCP/IP, via the RJ45 connector marked LAN2 in the
bottom of the Beckhoff CP6706 IPC (Industrial PC), please see Figure 10. Please note that there
are two RJ45 connectors on the IPC, the one marked “
” in
Figure 1 is for the
communication to the I/O modules.
Figure 10: The connections on the Beckhoff CP6706 IPC