8.9.5 Conversion Factor
The different attributes for each parameter can be seen in
the section on factory settings. Since a parameter value
can only be transferred as a whole number, a conversion
factor must be used to transfer decimals. Please refer to
8.9.6 Parameter Values
Standard Data Types
Standard data types are int16, int32, uint8, uint16 and
uint32. They are stored as 4x registers (40001 – 4FFFF). The
parameters are read using function 03HEX "Read Holding
Registers." Parameters are written using the function 6HEX
"Preset Single Register" for 1 register (16 bits), and the
function 10HEX "Preset Multiple Registers" for 2 registers
(32 bits). Readable sizes range from 1 register (16 bits) up
to 10 registers (20 characters).
Non standard Data Types
Non standard data types are text strings and are stored as
4x registers (40001 – 4FFFF). The parameters are read
using function 03HEX "Read Holding Registers" and written
using function 10HEX "Preset Multiple Registers." Readable
sizes range from 1 register (2 characters) up to 10 registers
(20 characters).
8.10 Examples
The following examples illustrate various Modbus RTU
commands. If an error occurs, please refer to
8.10.1 Read Coil Status (01 HEX)
This function reads the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs
(coils) in the frequency converter. Broadcast is never
supported for reads.
The query message specifies the starting coil and quantity
of coils to be read. Coil addresses start at zero, i.e. coil 33
is addressed as 32.
Example of a request to read coils 33-48 (Status Word)
from slave device 01.
Field Name
Example (HEX)
Slave Address
01 (frequency converter address)
01 (read coils)
Starting Address HI
Starting Address LO
20 (32 decimals) Coil 33
No. of Points HI
No. of Points LO
10 (16 decimals)
Error Check (CRC)
The coil status in the response message is packed as one
coil per bit of the data field. Status is indicated as: 1 = ON;
0 = OFF. The LSB of the first data byte contains the coil
addressed in the query. The other coils follow toward the
high order end of this byte, and from ‘low order to high
order’ in subsequent bytes.
If the returned coil quantity is not a multiple of eight, the
remaining bits in the final data byte will be padded with
zeros (toward the high order end of the byte). The Byte
Count field specifies the number of complete bytes of
Field Name
Example (HEX)
Slave Address
01 (frequency converter address)
01 (read coils)
Byte Count
02 (2 bytes of data)
Data (Coils 40-33)
Data (Coils 48-41)
06 (STW=0607hex)
Error Check (CRC)
Coils and registers are addressed explicit with an off-set of
-1 in Modbus.
I.e. Coil 33 is addressed as Coil 32.
8.10.2 Force/Write Single Coil (05 HEX)
This function forces the coil to either ON or OFF. When
broadcast the function forces the same coil references in
all attached slaves.
The query message specifies the coil 65 (parameter write
control) to be forced. Coil addresses start at zero, i.e. coil
65 is addressed as 64. Force Data = 00 00HEX (OFF) or FF
00HEX (ON).
Field Name
Example (HEX)
Slave Address
01 (frequency converter address)
05 (write single coil)
Coil Address HI
Coil Address LO
40 (64 decimal) Coil 65
Force Data HI
Force Data LO
00 (FF 00 = ON)
Error Check (CRC)
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