MG.60.C4.02 – VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
6000 HVAC
VLT 6075-6275
IP 20
IP 54 (flange-by-flange)
VLT 6075-6275 IP 00 and IP 20
All IP 00 and IP 20 units in the above-mentioned
series can be installed side by side without any
All units in the above-mentioned series require
a minimum space of 200 mm above and below
the enclosure and must be installed on a plane,
vertical surface (no spacers). This applies both
to IP 20 and IP 54 units.
These units can be installed side by side
without any spacing, since they do not require
any cooling on the sides.
Installation of VLT 6006-6032 200-240 V, VLT 6016-6062 380-460 V IP 20 and IP 54
Installation of VLT 6042-6062 200-240 V, VLT 6075-6275 380-460 V IP 00, IP 20 and IP 54
VLT 6075-6275 IP 54
All units require a minimum space of 225 mm
above and below the enclosure and must be
installed on a plane, vertical surface (no
spacers). This applies to IP 00, IP 20 and IP 54
units alike.