Change the fluid and filter per the vehicle/machine manufacturer’s recommendations or at the intervals
shown in the table. Change fluid after first 500 hours.
Fluid and filter change interval
Reservoir type
Max oil change interval
2000 hours
500 hours
High temperatures and pressures result in accelerated fluid aging. Change fluid more frequently if
operating under extreme conditions.
Change the fluid more frequently if it becomes contaminated with foreign matter (dirt, water, grease,
etc.) or if the fluid is subjected to temperature levels greater than the recommended maximum.
Dispose of used hydraulic fluid properly. Never reuse hydraulic fluid.
Change filters whenever the fluid is changed or when the filter indicator indicates a filter change. Replace
all fluid lost during filter change.
For detailed filtration information, see Danfoss publication 520L0463 Fluids and Filtration. For
information on biodegradable fluids see Danfoss publication 520L0465 Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids.
Service Manual
Series 90 Pumps
Operating parameters
520L0818 • Rev 0101 • August 2015