Pressure Compensator OverRide (PCOR) adjustment
PCOR adjustment for all controls except P1/P2 controls is described below. PCOR adjustment for P1/P2
controls is electrically adjusted using a proportional solenoid.
Nominal settings 240 bar [3500 psi] at 800 mA (12 V), 400 mA (24 V) or per model code.
No adjustment is available for the Brake Pressure Defeat (BPD) option. Coil is either energized or de-
energized, if coil is used.
Unintended movement of the machine or mechanism may cause injury to the technician or bystanders.
To protect against unintended movement, secure the machine or disable/disconnect the mechanism
while servicing.
1. Install motor in machine.
2. Install 600 bar pressure gauge at system port MA or MB (whichever side is regulated by the PCOR).
Optionally, the gauge can be installed in the system gauge port M5.
3. Install sensor to read engine speed.
4. Install sensor to read wheel speed.
5. Install data acquisition device which is able to record data over time using the sensors installed in
steps 2 – 4 above.
6. Deactivate any inching systems connected to the brakes if applicable.
7. Prepare site for testing (two options are available).
a) Lift machine so wheels are no longer engaging the ground, or
b) Use a straight, flat surface to drive machine during testing.
1. Start machine engine.
2. Set engine to high idle (rated speed) and maintain for the duration of the testing.
3. Turn the machine wheels at a constant speed (motor will be at minimum displacement).
a) Allow wheels to turn at constant speed if using setup 7a.
b) Drive machine at constant speed if using setup 7b.
4. Begin data acquisition (system pressure, engine speed, and wheel speed).
5. Slowly apply the service brake to continuously increase the load on the system until the wheel speed
(setup 7a) or driving speed (setup 7b) decreases by approximately 1/3.
6. Stop machine and turn off engine.
7. Stop data acquisition.
Service Manual
H1 Bent Axis Motors, Size 060/080/110/160/210/250 cm3
Danfoss | August 2018
AX00000025en-US0504 | 37