7. 2. music menu
By choosing music, the music list appears and starts to play. if you select one song and press the “S-mo-
de” key on the remote control, the Equalizer menu will appear.
The subtitle fi le with the same name
as the song will play automatically.
When the music is playing, press the “Display” button to choose
“Previous Chapter”, “Next Chapter” and “Off”. By pressing the “S-mode” button on the remote control,
you can choose “Equalizer on”, “Equalizer off” and “Off”. The music mode can be set to Personal, Stan-
dard, Classical, Jazz, rock, Pop, Ballad and Dance. The default setting is Standard. if the Slide Show option
is selected, the music will be played in the background automatically.
7. 3. Photo menu
By selecting Picture, the picture list will appear with the preview of the selected picture on the right. if
you wish to zoom into a picture while browsing, press the “zoom” and “fWD” or “rEv” keys. Press the
“rotate” key to rotate the picture. When playing a picture, press the “S-TimE” key to Select Slideshow
interval time (1, 3, 5, 10 Seconds). Press the “S-mODE” key to select the slideshow transition mode
between the photos (14 modes). if the Photo slideshow is selected , the picture and background music
will play automatically.
WarNiNg: when 1080i output is selected, the Zoom, rotate and S-mode functions are not available.