Lyra Maintenance Manual. D&R Electronica Weesp B.V. tel. +31 294 418041.
From 9 December 2005:
Change C5, C6, C11, C12, C19, C20, C25, C26 on Front panel PCB to 10 F with a 100.0 Ohms
1% resistor
Switching the Phantom power while the Lyra is switched on can damage the Microphone
inputs. This modification makes the Microphone inputs stronger without concessions to the
sonic integrity of the input.
From 1 January 2006:
Change L6 on the Front panel PCB from 470 H to 100 H.
This modification makes the +5V, that the DC-DC (NMT0572) converter uses to make
+48V, higher. This gives a higher output at the DC-DC converter (+48V in stead of 40V or
From 17 March 2006:
Change R297 and R298 from 10KOhms to 100KOhms and Replace C222 and C223 from
10uF/16V into a wire bridge on the Analog in/output PCB.
This modification will improve the stereo separation over the entire frequency range. This
only applies to the Program output.
9. Software (NIOS) revision history.
V1.0.0.0: 16 Feb 2004.
Initial release
V1.0.0.1: 19 Feb 2004.
Fixed free interrupt that caused NIOS to restart.
V1.0.0.2: 14 May 2004.
EQ now default On.
Added chip card functionality for 8 fader control surface.
Web server now correctly accepts <Head> and <Put> command.