Technical certificate «DUO»
Operation rules
Before the start of operation, the greenhouse should be assembled and installed as prescribed in the
manual. When the greenhouse is assembled by a third party the customer should supervise the quality of works to
ensure compliance with the present manual. Some detail have extra holes due to uniformity of details. During
assembly, be careful not to damage the parts, because until they assembled fully, they do not have sufficient rigidity.
Use supports (e.g., chairs) at intermediate stages of assembly to evenly raise the assembled frame. To align
the holes in difficult joints use a nail with a diameter of 4
mm or mandrel with a conical end. During assembly of
the frame
connections should be Implemented for all specified openings. Simplified connection of the
parts is a violation of assembly rules and cause of removal warranty support by manufacturer.
Do not install the greenhouse too close to buildings or trees where masses of snow/ice can fall on it.
Recommended distance is at least 2 m. The greenhouse is designed to withstand wind at the speed below 24
m/sec. The greenhouse cladding should not be removed for the winter period if snow load is limited. If the
greenhouse is left unattended for the entire winter the customer should either remove the cladding or estimate
the possible snow load. For the frame assembled with all parts including strainers and braces, the maximal snow load
begins when the layer of snow weight is 240 kg per 1 sqm of horizontal surface which corresponds to 60 cm of the
packed snow.
Cleaning and washing sheets of polycarbonate
Rinse the sheet with warm water.
Wash the sheet with a solution of mild soap or with a household detergent and warm water, using a soft
rag or a sponge to remove dirt.
Rinse with cold water and wipe with a soft cloth.
Never use abrasives or highly alkaline cleaning compositions for cleaning polycarbonate sheets. Dry
rubbing of the surface will damage the protective layer of the cladding and shorten its shelf life. Never rub the
surface of polycarbonate sheets with brushes, metallic cloth or other abrasive materials.
When disinfecting the greenhouse from pathogens causing fungal and bacterial diseases, do not use «sulfur
blocks» to avoid frame corrosion.
Warranty liabilities
1. Term for making claims is 24 months from the day of purchase. Warranty does not apply to cases of:
2. Greenhouse installation in violation of instruction requirements
3. Violation of the rules of operation.
4. Inappropriate use of the greenhouse.
5. Deformation of the greenhouse as a result of ground movement.
6. Floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters.