Spyder3 S3-14 and S3-24 Monochrome Camera User's Manual
Teledyne DALSA
At this p oint you are read y to start op erating the cam era in ord er to acqu ire im ages, set cam era fu nctions,
and save settings.
Camera Operation
Factory Settings
When the cam era is p ow ered u p for the first tim e, it op erates u sing the follow ing factory settings:
H igh sensitivity m od e
Forw ard CCD shift d irection
N o binning
Exp osu re m od e 7 (Program m able line rate & m ax exp osu re tim e)
5000 H z line rate
Read ou t m od e: Off
Mirroring m od e: 0, left to right
Factory calibrated analog gain and offset
8 bit ou tp u t
enabled (1k and 2k u se). (It is recom m en d ed that you u se the
com m and w ith the 4k in
ord er to m aintain valid LUT calibration.)
LUTs enabled (4k d efau lt), factory calibrated @ -10 d B.
Returning Camera Settings
The cam era p aram eter screen (obtained u sing the
com m and ) retu rns all of the cam era’s cu rrent
settings. The table below lists all of the
screen settings.