User Manual Ver 1.0.0
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DALI address can also be assigned by DALI Master controller automatically.
Please refer to user manuals of compatible DALI Masters for speci c operations.
The digital display will show “AU” When the DALI master is assigning address.
After address is assigned, the digital display will show the start DALI address”xx”, xx is from 00 to 63.
DALI address assigned by DALI masters
Long press any of the two buttons for 2s, prepare for set the start DALI address, digital display start ashes.
Short press rst button to set “tens” position and second button to set “units” position.
The address can be set from 00~62-FF. no DALI address is assigned for the dimmer, digital display shows “FF”.
Address assignments are sequential. If the set address value is 01, the CH1 address value is 01, and the CH2 address value is 02,
The display shows the CH1 address value.
Long press any of the two buttons for 2s or timeout 10s, quit start DALI address setting, digital display stop ashes.
Set DALI Address via buttons
Long press two buttons at the same time for 2s, Toggle Relay Switch: On(”On”) and Off(”OF”).
Enter the default setting to on(”On”), then short press the setting 1 key to turn on(”On”), short press the setting 2 key to turn off(”OF”).
Long press any of the two buttons for 2s or timeout 10s, quit Relay switch setting.
Relay switch setting