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Operating speed
An operating speed of 6-10 km/h is recommended, but always operate according to
Power requirement will depend on soil type, terrain and speed. This is a crucial fac-
tor as it determines the working depth with crackerboards and the harrow section.
Table 2, Guide to power requirement in HP
Working width
Power requirement
Min. 275
Min. 350
Adjusting crackerboard
Crackerboard depth is hydraulically
adjustable. The angle of attack of the
tines is manually adjusted via the
spindles (A). To ensure uniform crack-
erboard angle setting, there are num-
bers on the side of the spindles.
The angle set will be retained regard-
less of depth, as the tines are mounted
in a parallelogram array.
For an aggressive tine setting (vertical) make the spindles shorter.
For a passive tine setting (horizontal) make the spindles longer.
Raise crackerboard to highest position for adjustment of tine angle.
The tine angle selected depends on the nature of the job. If they are set aggressive-
ly while the depth is set for the upper soil layer, maximum vibration will be created
for fine-crushing of lumps and an optimum smoothing effect.
If the tine setting is more horizontal, it will allow them to avoid obstacles. It will al-
so mean that the tips can move more in the vertical plane, producing an increased
compaction and smoothing effect.
The crackerboard is a flexible unit with a range of applications. When the depth is
set to 5 cm, the vibrating effect of the tines will crush clumps.