Pellets and feeding
Pellets are made by applying high pressure to sawdust, or wood waste products (not containing paint) from sawmills, carpentry and other
activities related to processing and working with wood. Given that it does not use any glue to hold it together this type of fuel is completely
environmentally friendly. In fact the compactness of the pellets over time is guaranteed by a natural substance found in the wood itself: wood
coal. In addition to being an environmentally friendly fuel in that it pushes wood residues to the limits pellets also have technical advantages.
While wood has a calorific value of 4.4kWh/kg. (with 15% humidity after around 18 months of seasoning) the calorific value of pellets is 5 kWh/
kg. Pellet density is 650kg/m3 and the water content is equal to 8% of its weight. For this reason they do not require seasoning in order to
arrive at a sufficiently adequate degree of heat yield.
tHe Use Of eXPiRed Pellets OR anY OtHeR MateRial Will affeCt tHe fUnCtiOnalitY Of YOUR
geneRatOR and MaY lead tO tHe teRMinatiOn Of tHe WaRRantY and CessatiOn Of anY aCCOMPanYing
ResPOnsiBilitY On tHe PaRt Of tHe ManUfaCtUReR
The pellets used must comply with the characteristics described by the
following standards:
en PlUs - Uni en 14961 - 2 (Uni en isO 17225-2) class a1
- a2
The manufacturer always recommended using pellets with a diameter
of 6 mm with its products.
Pellet stORage
In order to ensure problem-free combustion pellets must be stored in
a dry place.
Open the tank lid and load the pellets using a scoop.
fiRe iROns - COld Handle
All models are equipped with a poker (figure 1), and some also have a "cold handle" (Figure 2). These tools facilitate door opening/closing and
cleaning operations. Generators that are equipped with a "cold handle" have a special "pocket" on the back for storing the handle (Figure 3)
when not in use.
figure 1
figure 2
figure 3