MAN# 650031C
The auto height control system is active when both the large red power wire and the yellow accessory power
wire are on. When the accessory power is off the display and height control will shut down to prevent draining
the battery.
The display unit has a 2 line, full character display with three switches on the left side and four switches on the
right side. The left side switches select the presets. The right side switches allow manual control, change the
display, and are used for setup.
Preset Select Switches Manual Control / Setup Switches
Changing the display:
Pressing the left and right manual control switches at the same time will toggle the display between the height
values, the tank pressure, and the corner pressures.
Manual control:
When manual control is active, the set of 4 manual control switches will be lit brightly. The function of these
switches are as follows:
Pressing the left or right switch will change which readings on the display that are
highlighted(all four, front two, rear two, or individual)
Pressing the top switch will raise the corners that are highlighted
Pressing the bottom switch will lower the corners that are highlighted
The Park/Neutral input (white/blue wire) is used to disable manual down when the vehicle is in gear. This
should be connected to a vehicle wire that is grounded when the vehicle is in park or neutral (or to a Dakota
Digital GSS-2000 output) where required by law. To disable this feature connect the white/blue wire directly to
If the down switch is pressed and the white/blue wire is not grounded the display will show “LOCK”.
Auto control:
The three switches on the left select the three preset heights: High, Medium, and Low. When one of the auto
presets are active, that switch will be lit brightly. To select one of the presets, press the corresponding button.
To change any of the 3 presets:
Manually adjust the height and then press and hold the button for that preset (H, M, or L) for about 4
seconds. The display will display “SET” and store the new setting.
You can also do a bag dump by pressing the H and L switches at the same time for about 4 seconds. This will
do a controlled dump to about 3-5% height.
Tank Warning:
The tank pressure has a user adjustable low warning point. If the tank pressure drops below the warning point
the display will automatically switch to displaying the tank pressure and the number will flash.