overload (saturation) from too high an input. Using a very fast Attack
time and a high Ratio will ensure that the fastest transients are captured.
A good starting point for limiting is:
Parameter Value
Threshold +10
Ratio 20:1
Attack 250 µs
Release .5
Make-up Gain 0
1.7.6 Pointers and General Principles
Compression is used to reduce the dynamic range of an audio signal.
Use the Gain Reduction (GR) setting on the meter to see how much you
are attenuating (reducing in gain) the audio signal. Boost the Make-Up
Gain so that the input and outputs are similar levels.
To set the Attack and Release times turn the Ratio way up so it‟s easier to
hear the compressor working. Set the Attack and Release correctly and
then reduce the Ratio to a more reasonable level