begin an anti-dither time if system detects the local alarm again. The screen prompt, alarm
upload, email and etc will not be activated. For example, if you set the anti -dither time as 10
second, you can see the each activation may last 10s if the local alarm is activated. During
the process, if system detects another local alarm signal at the fifth second, the buzzer, tour,
activation, snapshot, record channel will begin another 10s while the screen prompt,
alarm upload, email will not be activated again. After 10s, if system detects another alarm
signal, it can generate an alarm since the anti-dither time is out.
Alarm output: The number here is the device alarm output port. You can select the
corresponding ports(s) so that system can activate the corresponding alarm device(s) when
an alarm occurred.
Latch: When the anti-dither time ended, the channel alarm you select in the alarm output may
last the specified period. The value ranges from 1 to 300 seconds. This function is not for
other alarm activation operations. The latch is still valid even you disable the alarm event
function directly.
Show message: System can pop up a message to alarm you in the local host screen if you
enabled this function.
Alarm upload: System can upload the alarm signal to the network (including alarm centre
and the WEB) if you enabled current function. System only uploads the alarm channel
status. You can go to the WEB and then go to the Alarm interface to set alarm event and
alarm operation. Please go to the Network interface to set alarm centre information.
Send email: System can send out the alarm signal via the email to alert you when alarm
occurs. Once you enable the snap function, system can also send out an image as the
attachment. Please go to the Main Menu->Setting ->Network->Email interface to set.
Record channel: you can select proper channel to record alarm video (Multiple choices).
You need to set alarm record mode as Schedule in Record interface (Main
Menu->Advanced->Record). Please note the manual record has the highest priority.
System record all the time no matter there is an alarm or not if you select Manual mode.
Now you can go to the Schedule interface (Main Menu->Setting->Schedule) to set the
record type, corresponding channel number, week and date. You can select the record
type: Regular/Alarm.
Now you can go to the Encode interface to select the alarm record and set the encode
parameter (Main Menu->Setting->Encode).
Finally, you can set the alarm input as the local alarm and then select the record channel.
The select channel begins alarm record when an alarm occurred. Please note system
begins the alarm record instead of the MD record if the local alarm and MD event
occurred at the same time.
Snapshot: You can enable this function to snapshoot image when an alarm occurs.
Buzzer: Highlight the icon to enable this function. The buzzer beeps when an alarm occurs.
Please highlight icon
to select the corresponding function. After setting all the setups
please click save button, system goes back to the previous menu.