Figure 4-14 The add device interface
Step 4 Configure the parameters. See Table 4-4.
Table 4-4 Parameter description
According to the connection method you want
between the camera and your Signage, you can select
from IPC, DSS, PSS and IVSS.
If you want to connect the camera directly to your
device, you can select IPC.
If you want to connect the camera to your device
by the third-party platform or device, you can
select DSS, PSS or IVSS.
IP Address
Address of your camera or the platform.
User Name
You need to fill in the two items when you select IPC
or IVSS as the Protocol.
Port number when you log in your camera or the
You need to configure this parameter only when you
select IPC or IVSS as the Protocol.
• When you select IPC as the Protocol, you directly
connect only one IPC to the device. Fill 1 in the
Channel box.
• When you select IVSS as the Protocol, to
determine the channel number you want:
1. Type http://XXX /cgi-bin/LogicDeviceManager.
cgi?action=getCameraAll (“XXX” refers to the IP
address of IVSS) in your browser to view the channels.
2. Determine the channel which you want to add to
your device.
3. Add 1 to the channel’s UniqueChannel value.
4. Fill the new value in the Channel box.
You need to configure this parameter only when you
select DSS or PSS as the Protocol.
Registration code given by the DSS platform or Smart
PSS client side to the Signage.
Step 5 Click OK.
After adding the camera to the face attendance template successfully,
the live camera shooting image and face comparison information is
• Connect you Signage to the camera by IPC or IVSS, and there will be
only one camera’s shooting image.
• Connect you device to the camera by DSS or PSS, and there will
be at most four cameras’ shooting images (numbers of cameras’
shooting windows vary with numbers of cameras attached to the
platform). To attach a camera to the platform, see platform’s user
Click on the camera shooting image, you can:
• Click Change Device to configure a new camera shooting window.
• Click Delete Device to delete a camera shooting window. Configuring Other Five Templates
The other five templates are similar in configuration and “Supermarket
& Hotel” template is taken as an example.
Step 1 In the main menu, select Local Release > Custom.
The Custom interface is displayed.
Step 2 Click a template you want to define.
The template’s interface ready for configuration is displayed.
Step 3 Configure the template.
Click a
to configure this region’s display sequence and
A program waiting box of images & videos is displayed. See Figure 4-15.