9.Software Tools
© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 162
After selecting the GroupBox, when the above parameters are modified, the generated Lut will be written
to the device Flash in real time. At this time, if the "Write To Device" is not selected. After the device is
powered off and restarted, the modified parameters will be lost. The generated Lut cannot be restored by
"Read From Device".
If the GroupBox is selected as default or standard Lut, then adjusting the parameter values in the Lut group
to generate Lut and saving the lut file will save the parameter values together in the file. Reading the file
again will restore the saved case. If written to the device, the MER2-G cameras will save and restore the
parameters. Save Lut
The group contains two widgets: Save To File and Write To Device.
1. When selecting " Save To File ", the current Lut data can be saved to the file. The saved file contains
two formats: Lut and csv, as shown in Figure 9-12:
Figure 9-12 Save to file
The save type can be changed when saving the file. The default save path is
".\resource\gxplugins\LookUpTable\Lut12", which is the directory where the GalaxyView.exe is installed.
2. When "Write To Device" is selected, the current Lut data is written to UserSet0, and UserSetDefault
is modified to UserSet0. UserSet0 will be loaded when reading from the device again.
9.3.3. Precautions Read From Device
When reading from device, UserSet0 will be loaded, which will cause the previously modified device
feature information to be lost. Therefore, the information should be saved in time before reading from
device. Write To Device