9.Software Tools
© China Daheng Group, Inc. Beijing Image Vision Technology Branch 156
7) The GevFramerateABS represents the maximum value of the GevFramerateAbsEn when
GevFramerateAbsEn is enabled. Whether the maximum value can be reached depends on whether
the camera is affected by other acquisition parameters.
8) The GevFramerateAbsEn indicates whether frame rate control is enabled, 1 means enable
GevFramerateAbsEn, and 0 means disable GevFramerateAbsEn. When GevFramerateAbsEn is
enabled, the camera acquires images at a frame rate that is no higher than the GevFramerateABS.
When GevFramerateAbsEn is disabled, the camera acquires images without being affected by the
When using the frame rate calculation tool, please fill in the above information of the camera into the
corresponding table. When the filled value exceeds the range or does not conform to the rules, the
calculation tool will report an error. Please modify and fill in the value again according to the prompt
information. When all parameters are correctly filled in, the FPS shown in the last column of the table is
the theoretical frame rate currently acquired by the camera, and usually the error between this value and
the actual frame rate acquired by the camera is no more than 1%.
Take the MER2-231-41GM/C camera as an example:
1) If you want to set the camera
’s acquisition frame rate to 40fps with the “GevFramerateABS” function,
you can set
“GevFramerateAbsEn” to 1, set “GevFramerateABS” to 40, and then you can check “F”
as 40fps.
2) If you want to adjust
“GevSCPSPacketSize” and “GevSCPD” to make the frame rate of the camera
reach 40fps, you can select the
“GevSCPSPacketSize” you want to use. If you set
“GevSCPSPacketSize” to 8192, then gradually set the value of “GevSCPD” to make “F” approach
40fps. After several attempts, it can be concluded that when
“GevSCPD” is set to 1710, the calculated
“F” is 40.02fps.
9.3. LUT Create Tool
9.3.1. GUI
LUT Create Tool, which supports all series of DAHENG IMAGING cameras. This plugin is integrated into
GalaxyView.exe. After opening the device that you want to operate through this software, you can open
LUT Create Tool from the menu bar plugin list. With the plugin you can achieve the following functions:
1) Adjust the image Gamma, brightness, and contrast.
2) Read the saved Lut from device.
3) Write the adjusted Lut to device.
4) Read the saved Lut from Lut/CSV file.
5) Save the adjusted Lut to file.