Controlling the robot:
Using the sample code provided, the puppy responds to movement. When your hand or any object is in range (within
15cm - 20cm) of the puppy's compound eye the puppy will track the movement of your hand with it's head.
When standing the puppy will follow your hand and if necessary, will turn to try and keep your hand in front of it. If
your hand gets too close the robot will back up. If your hand is too far away (but still in range) then the robot will walk
If you do not play with the puppy it will get bored and sit down. While the robot is sitting, if you slowly move your hand
down and then towards one of the front legs it will lift that leg to "Shake Hands". If you move your hand between the
legs the robot will lie down.
To get the robot back up on it's feet you need to make it look straight up. Making the puppy look straight up will get it
to jump up on it's back legs.