H igh voltage is present at the high voltage term inal of the high voltage transform er during any cooking cycle.
It is neither necessary nor advisable to attem pt m easurem ent of the high voltage.
B efore touching any oven com ponents or w iring, alw ays unplug the oven from its pow er source and discharge the capacitor.
1. H igh voltage transform er
(1) R em ove connections from the transform er term inals and check continuity.
(2) N orm al readings should be as follows :
S econdary w inding ... A pprox. 110
± 10%
F ilam ent winding ... A pprox. 0
P rim ary winding ... A pprox. 1
2. H igh voltage capacitor
(1) C heck continuity of capacitor w ith m eter on the highest O H M scale.
(2) A norm al capacitor w ill show continuity for a short tim e, and then indicate 10M
once the capacitor charged.
(3) A shorted capacitor w ill show continuous continuity.
(4) A n open capacitor w ill show constant 10M
(5) R esistance betw een each term inal and chassis should be infinite.
3. H igh voltage diode
(1) Isolate the diode from the circuit by disconnecting the leads.
(2) W ith the ohm m eter set on the highest resistance scale m easure the resistance across the diode term inals. R everse the
m eter leads and again observe the resistance reading. M eter w ith 6v, 9v or higher voltage batteries should be used to
check the front-back resistance of the diode, otherw ise an infinite resistance m ay be read in both directions. A norm al
diode's resistance w ill be infinite in one direction and several hundred k
in the other direction.
4. M agnetron
F or com plete m agnetron diagnosis, refer to “M easurem ent of the M icrow ave P ower O utput." C ontinuity checks can only
indicate and open filam ent or a shorted m agnetron.
To diagnose for an open filam ent or a shorted m agnetron,
(1) Isolate m agnetron from the circuit by disconnecting the leads.
(2) A continuity check across m agnetron filam ent term inals should indicate 0.1
or less.
(3) A continuity check between each filam ent term inal and m agnetron case should read open.
5. Fuse
If the fuse in the prim ary and m onitor sw itch circuit is blow n when the door is opened, check the prim ary and m onitor sw itch
before replacing the blow n fuse. In case the fuse is blow n by an im proper sw itch operation, replace the defective sw itch and
fuse at the sam e tim e. R eplace just the fuse if the sw itches operate norm ally.
Summary of Contents for KOR-63B50S
Page 20: ... WIRING DIAGRAM ...