1) Remove the screw which secure the control panel, push up two snap fits and draw forward the control panel assem bly.
2) Rem ove the door open lever from the control panel.
3) Rem ove four screws which secure the PCB assem bly to control panel.
4) Disconnect m em brane tail from the connector of the PCB assem bly.
5) Detach m em brane from the control panel.
6) Rem ove door open button and button spring from the control panel.
7) Reverse the above steps for reassem bly.
6. To remove high voltage capacitor.
1) Rem ove a screw which secure the grounding ring term inal
of the H.V.diode and the capacitor holder.
2) Rem ove the H.V. diode from the capacitor holder.
3) Reverse the above steps for reassem bly.
High voltage circuit wiring
7. To remove magnetron.
1) Rem ove a screw which secure the m agnetron.
2) Rem ove the m agnetron.
3) Reverse the above steps for reassem bly.
N ever install the m agnetron w ithout the m etallic gasket plate w hich is packed w ith each m agnetron to prevent
m icrow ave leakage. W henever repair w ork is carried out on m agnetron, check the m icrow ave leakage. It shall
not exceed 4m W /cm
for a fully assem bled oven with door norm ally closed.