200g plain flour
150g butter
100g caster sugar
beaten egg to mix
1. Cream butter, sugar and vanilla essence. Mix in flour. Mix to a very
stiff dough with beaten egg. Knead lightly on a floured board.
2. Chill for 30mins.
3. Roll out quite thinly, cut into rounds with a 5Cm cutter. Transfer to
greased baking trays. Prick with a fork. Brush lightly with beaten
egg and sprinkle with caster sugar.
4. Cook on "CAKE" until pale golden brown.
5. Leave on tray for 3-4 mins than transfer to cooling rack.
Round baking tin
(or pizza dish)
Low rack.
Party size sausage rolls
425g (15oz) packet frozen
flaky pastry (defrosted)
300g (12oz) sausage meat.
10ml(2tsp) dried mixed herbs
1 beaten egg.
1. Roll out pastry into two oblong shapes each about 25 x 20Cm.
Cut each piece into two pieces lengthways.
2. Combine the herbs with the sausage meat. Quarter the sausage
meat and roll each piece into a long strip. Place on pastry.
Dampen edge of pastry, roll round sausage met and seal edges.
Brush with beaten egg.
3. Cut each strip into six equal portions, each approximately 5Cm in
length. Make two cuts in the top of each roll. Place on two greased
circular baking trays.
4. Cook on "BREAD".
Round baking tin
(or pizza dish)
Baked Jam Roly Poly Pudding
1 quantity of suet pastry
75ml (5tbsp) seedless
raspberry jam
milk to glaze
1. Roll out pastry to approx. 23X32Cm (9X13")
2. Spread the jam over the pastry leaving 1Cm(
) border all round.
Brush the edges with milk and roll the pastry up evenly, starting at
one short side and sealing the edges well.
3. Brush top with milk and place in loaf dish.
4. Cook on "BREAD" until golden.
1kg loaf tin
450g (1lb) strong plain flour
1 sachet dried yeast
5ml (1tsp) salt
15g (1tbsp) fat
300ml (
pt) warm water
Standard bread Dough
Fruit Scones
1. In a large bowl, combine the flour, yeast and slat. Rub in the fat.
2. Add the warm water then mix to a dough.
3. Turn onto a floured surface and knead for 10mins. Divide into two
and place in a loaf tin until the dough has doubled in size in a
warm place or on Convection 40˚C. See instruction above.
4. Cook on "BREAD".
5. Repeat with second loaf.
2X450g (1lb) loaf tin
(or 1kg loaf tin)
225g(8oz) self-raising flour
pinch salt
5ml(1tsp) baking powder
50g(2oz) butter
25g(1oz) caster sugar
50g(2oz) sultanas
150ml(1/4pt) milk
beaten egg to glaze
1. Sift the flour, salt and baking powder together. Rub in fat
until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add sugar
and sultanas.
2. Make a well in the center and stir in enough milk to form soft
3. Knead lightly. Pat out to 2cm(3/4”)thick and cut into 10
rounds with a 5cm(2”) cutter. Place on baking sheet, brush
with beaten egg.
4. Cook on ‘BREAD’.
Baking sheet(round)