Take a moment to know all the features designed for the convenience of
the user.
M ova ble refrigerator and freezer shelves
S t o rage shelves should be adjusted depending on the height of the fo o d
stored. To do this, pull the shelves slightly fo r wa r d .
D e f rost-drain Ve s s e l
Since dust accumulated on the drain case decreases the eva p o ra t i o n
e f f i c i e n c y, you should clean the drain case at regular interva l s.
Ice Case Frame Assembly
1) Fill the ice case with water upto the water level line and insert it into the
designated space in the ice holder.
2) After the water is completely frozen, twist the ice case handle clock w i s e
and let the ice fall into the ice box below. When all ice has been cleared
from the ice case, let go of the handle which will return to its ori g i n a l
position by a return spring installed.
Here are the features of your new refrige r a t o r.
Lamp cov e r
To remove the lamp cove r
1. Push up the bottom end of lamp cover gently,
then pull out.
2. R everse procedure to join together.
Ve ge t a ble case
M ay be used for fruit and ve g e t a ble stora g e. Both
the ve g e t a ble case and its cover shelf are
r e m ova ble for easy cleaning. Simply slide fo r ward to
r e m ove.
Utility Po cket (To p )
The Egg Case in this pocket can be turned upside down for the storage of
small size goods.
For lock installed refrige r a t o rs only.
When you put or take out food from the refrige r a t o r, be careful not to
hit your head on the lock as there is a protrusion on the door of yo u r
r e f r i ge r a t o r.
1. C h e ck your voltage before inserting the power supply cord into the socke t .
2. Contact the earthing conductor to this unit with an attachment eart h i n g
s c r ew.
3. Do not spill liquid on this unit.
4. Do not use flammable spray, such as painting, near this unit.
5. Do not place ignitable material, such as benzine, L.P. gas, alcohol etc., into
this unit.
6. Ta ke precautions against leakage of any gas equipment near this unit.
7. Keep children from hanging on the door of this unit.
8. Do not reinsert the power supply cord within 5 minutes after releasing it from
the socket. If not, there may be problems with the compressor.