Methode of exchanging main parts
4) Cut the both ends of glass tube heater tube
heater lead wires and insulate and seal lead
tip remaining in refrigerator with tape etc.
5) Pull out the glass tube heater from the heater
supporter with heater covers remaining.
(upper and lower) (Do not apply much
power on the heater supporter.)
6) Install the heater covers (upper and lower)
on a new glass tube heater. (Make the cover
with holes the lower one)
7) Place the glass tube heater lead wire shown
as below and fasten the shaded area with
8) Fin insert the lead wire connection terminals.
(Same colored lead wires)
9) Set the evaporator on normal position and
secure the fastening screws.
Raise upward
Heater Cover
Glass tube
Lead wire
Heater fixture
Heater Cover
Heater Cover
Heater Cover
AL tape
Lead wire
Glass tube heater