Daewoo DWC-ED1432 Instruction Manual Download Page 37


Disposal of Used Electrical & Electronic Equipment

The  meaning  of  the  symbol  on  the  product,  its 

accessory or packaging indicates that this product shall 

not be treated as household waste. Please, dispose of 

this equipment at your applicable collection point for 

the recycling of electrical & electronic equipments 

waste. In the European Union and Other European 

countries which there are separate collection systems 

for used electrical and electronic product. By ensuring 

the correct disposal of this product, you will help 

prevent potentially hazardous to the environment and 

to human health, which could otherwise be caused by 

unsuitable  waste  handling  of  this  product. The 

recycling  of  materials  will  help  conserve  natural 

resources. Please do not therefore dispose of your old 

electrical  and  electronic  equipment  with  your 

household waste. For more detailed information about 

recycling of this product, please contact your local city 

office, your household waste disposal service or the 

shop where you purchased the product.


Eliminação  de  Equipamento  Eléctrico  e 

Electrónico Usado

O  símbolo  no  aparelho,  nos  seus  acessórios  ou  na 

embalagem  indica  que  este  aparelho  não  deve  ser 

tratado  como  resíduos  domésticos.  Deixe  deste 

aparelho no ponto de recolha de material eléctrico e 

electrónico  para  reciclagem  mais  perto  de  si.  Na 

União  Europeia  e  noutros  países  europeus  existem 

sistemas de recolha separada para produtos eléctricos 

e  electrónicos  usados.  Garantindo  uma  eliminação 

correcta  deste  aparelho,  ajudará  a  evitar  possíveis 

danos  ambientais  e/ou  pessoais,  que  um  incorrecto 

tratamento  do  aparelho  usado  poderia  provocar. A 

reciclagem  de  materiais  ajuda  a  conservar  os  

recursos    naturais.  Por    isso,  não    deite    fora    os  

aparelhos eléctricos e electrónicos junto com os seus 

resíduos  domésticos.  Para  informação  detalhada  

sobre  a  reciclagem  deste  aparelho, contacte  a  sua 

Câmara  Municipal,  o  seu  serviço  de  recolha  de  lixo  

ou a loja onde comprou o aparelho.


Traitement  des  appareils  électriques  et 

électroniques en fin de vie (applicable dans les 

pays de l’union européenne et aux autres pays 

européens disposant de systèmes de collecte 


Ce  symbole,  apposé  sur  le  produit  ou  sur  son 

emballage,  indique  que  ce  produit  ne  doit  pas  être 

traité  avec  les  dechets  ménagers.  Il  doit  être  remis  à 

un point de collecte approprié pour le recyclage des 

équipements  électriques  et  électroniques.  En 

s’assurant  que  ce  produit  est  bien  mis  au  rebus  de 

manière  appropriée,  vous  aiderez  à  prévenir  les 

c o n s é q u e n s e s  n é g a t ive s  p o t e n t i e l l e s  p o u r 

l’environnement et la santé humaine. Le recyclage des 

matériaux aidera à conserver les ressources naturelles. 

Pour  toute  iformation  supplémentaire  au  sujet  du 

recyclage de ce produit, vous pouvez consulter votre 

municipalité, votre déchetterie ou le magasin où vous 

avez acheté le produit.


Entsorgung von gebrauchten elektrischen und 

elektronischen  Geräten  (Anzuwenden  in  den 

Ländern der Europäischen Union und anderen 

europäischen  Ländern  mit  einem  separaten 

Sammelsystem für diese Geräte)

D a s  S y m b o l  a u f  d e m  P r o d u k t  o d e r  s e i n e r

Verpackung  weist  darauf  hin,  dass  dieses  Produkt

nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall zu behandeln ist,

sondern an einer Annahmestelle für das Recycling

von  elektrischen  und  elektronischen  Geräten

abgegeben werden muss. Durch Ihren Beitrag zum

korrekten Entsorgen dieses Produkts schützen Sie die

Umwelt  und  die  Gesundheit  Ihrer  Mitmenschen.

Umwelt  und  Gesundheit  werden  durch  falsches

Entsorgen  gefährdet.  Materialrecycling  hilft  den

Verbrauch  von  Rohstoffen  zu  verringern. Weitere

Informationen  über  das  Recycling  dieses  Produkts

erhalten Sie von Ihrer Gemeinde, den kommunalen

Entsorgungsbetrieben oder dem Geschäft, in dem Sie

das Produkt gekauft haben.


Eliminación  de  equipamiento  eléctrico  y 

electrónico usado

Este  símbolo  en  el  producto,  sus  accesorios  o  

embalaje  indica  que  el  producto  no  debe  tratarse  

como  un  residuo  doméstico.  Deshágase  de  este 

equipamiento  en  su  punto  de  recogida  más  cercano 

para el reciclaje de residuos eléctricos y electrónicos. 

En la Unión Europea y otros países europeos existen 

diferentes  sistemas  de  recogida  de  productos  

eléctricos  y  electrónicos  usados. Al  asegurar  la  

correcta  eliminación  de  este  producto  ayudará  a  

evitar riesgos potenciales para el medio ambiente y la 

salud  de  las  personas  que  podrían  tener  lugar  si  el 

producto  no  se  eliminara  de  forma  adecuada.  El 

reciclaje  de  materiales  ayudará  a  conservar  los  

recursos  naturales.  Por  consiguiente,  no  elimine 

equipamiento eléctrico y electrónico usado junto con 

residuos domésticos. Para información más detallada 

acerca  del  reciclaje  de  este  producto,  póngase  en 

contacto  con  su  oficina  municipal,  el  servicio  de 

e l i m i n a c i ó n  d e  r e s i d u o s  d o m é s t i c o s  o  e l 

establecimiento donde adquirió el producto.


Verwijdering    van    Oude    Elektrische    en 

Elektronische Apparaten (Toepasbaar in de 

Europese Unie en andere Europese landen 

met gescheiden ophaalsystemen)

Het  symbool  op  het  product  of  op  de  verpakking  

wijst erop dat dit product niet als huishoudafval mag 

worden  behandeld.  Het  moet  echter  naar  een  plaats 

worden  gebracht  waar  elektrische  en  elektronische 

apparatuur  wordt  gerecycled. Als  u  ervoor  zorgt  dat 

dit product op de correcte manier wordt verwijderd, 

voorkomt u mogelijk voor mens en milieu negatieve 

gevolgen die zich zouden kunnen voordoen in geval 

van  verkeerde  afvalbehandeling.  De  recyclage  van 

materialen draagt bij tot het vrijwaren van natuurlijke 

bronnen. Voor  meer  details  in  verband  met  het 

recyclen van dit product, neemt u het best contact op 

met  de  gemeentelijke  instanties,  het  bedrijf  of  de 

dienst  belast  met  de  verwijdering  van  huishoudafval 

of de winkel waar u het product hebt gekocht.


Likvidace použitých elektrických a elektronických zaøízení

Tento symbol na výrobku, jeho pøíslušenství nebo obalu 

oznaèuje, že s tímto výrobkem nesmí být zacházeno jako s 

domovním odpadem. Výrobek zlikvidujte jeho pøedáním  

na sbìrné místo pro recyklaci elektrických a elektronických 

zaøízení. V zemích evropské unie a jiných evropských 

zemích  existují  samostatné  sbìrné  systémy  pro 

shromažïování použitých elektrických a elektronických 

výrobkù. Zajištìním jejich správné likvidace pomùžete 

prevenci vzniku potenciálních rizik pro životní prostøedí a 

lidské  zdraví,  která  by  mohla  vzniknout  nesprávným 

zacházením s odpady. Recyklace odpadových materiálù 

napomáhá  udržení  pøírodních  zdrojù  surovin  -  z  

uvedeného  dùvodu  nelikvidujte  prosím  vaše  stará 

elektrická a elektronická zaøízení s domovním odpadem.

Pro  získání  podrobných  informací  k  recyklaci  tohoto 

výrobku kontaktujte prosím pracovníka ochrany životního 

prostøedí místního (mìstského nebo obvodního) úøadu, 

pracovníky sbìrného dvora nebo zamìstnance prodejny, 

ve které jste výrobek zakoupili. 


Likvidácia použitých elektrických a elektronických 


Tento  symbol  na  výrobku,  jeho  príslušenstve  alebo  

obale  oznaèuje,  že  sa  s  týmto  výrobkom  nesmie 

zaobchádzať  ako  s  domovým  odpadom.  Výrobok 

zlikvidujte  jeho  odovzdaním  na  zbernom  mieste  pre 

recykláciu  elektrických  a  elektronických  zariadení.  V 

krajinách  európskej  únie  a  v  iných  európskych  

krajinách  existujú  samostatné  zberné  systémy  pre 

zhromažïovanie    použitých    elektrických    a  

elektronických    výrobkov.    Zaistením    ich    správnej  

likvidácie  pomôžete  prevencii  vzniku  potenciálnych  

rizík pre životné prostredie a ¾udské zdravie, ktoré by  

mohli    vzniknúť    nesprávnym    zaobchádzaním    s  

odpadmi.    Recyklácia    odpadových    materiálov  

napomáha  udržaniu  prírodných  zdrojov  surovín  –  z 

uvedeného  dôvodu  nelikvidujte  prosím  vaše  staré 

elektrické    a    elektronické    zariadenia    s    domovým  


Pre  získanie  potrebných  informácií  k  recyklácii  tohto 

výrobku  kontaktujte  prosím  pracovníka  ochrany  

životného  prostredia  miestneho  (mestského  èi  

obvodného) úradu, pracovníkov zberného dvora alebo 

zamestnancov predajne, v ktorej ste výrobok zakúpili.


Feleslegessé  vált  elektromos  és  elektronikus 

készülékek  hulladékként  való  eltávolítása 

(Használható  az  Európai  Unió  és  egyéb  európai 

országok szelektív hulladékgyűjtési rendszereiben)

Ez  a  szimbólum  a  készüléken  vagy  a  csomagolásán 

azt  jelzi,  hogy  a  terméket  ne  kezelje  háztartási 

hulladékként.  Kérjük,  hogy  az  elektromos  és 

elektronikai  hulladék  gyûjtésére  kijelölt  gyûjtõhelyen 

adja  le.  A  feleslegessé  vált  termékének  helyes 

kezelésével segít megelõzni a környezet és az emberi 

egészség  károsodását,  mely  bekövetkezhetne,  ha 

nem  követi  a  hulladék  kezelés  helyes  módját.  Az 

anyagok  újrahasznosítása  segít  a  természeti 

erõforrások        megõrzésében.        A  termék 

újrahasznosítása  érdekében  további  információért 

forduljon  a  lakóhelyén  az  illetékesekhez,  a  helyi 

hulladékgyûjtõ  szolgáltatóhoz  vagy  ahhoz  az  

üzlethez, ahol a terméket megvásárolta.


Oddaja stare elektriène in elektronske opreme 

(veljavno  v  evropski  uniji  in  ostalih  evropskih  

državah s sistemom zbiranja loèenih odpadkov)

Èe  se  na  izdelku  ali  a  njegovi  embalaži  nahaja  ta 

simbol,  pomeni,  da  z  izdelkom  ne  smete  ravnati  

enako  kot  z  drugimi  gospodinjskimi  odpadki.  Morate 

ga  oddati  na  ustrezno  zbirno  mesto  za  recikliranje 

elektriène  in  elektronske  opreme.  S  pravilno  oddajo 

tega  izdelka  boste  pomagali  prepreèiti  negativne 

posledice  na  okolje  in  zdravje  ljudi,  do  katerih  bi  

prišlo v primeru neustreznega ravnanja ob odstranitvi 

tega  izdelka.  Recikliranje  materiala  bo  pripomoglo  k 

ohranjevanju  naravnih  virov.  Podrobnejše  informacije  

o  reciklitanju  tega  izdelka  lahko  dobite  pri  lokalni 

mestni  upravi,  službi  oddajanja  gospodinjskih 

odpadkov  ali  v  trgovini,  kjer  ste  izdelek  kupili. 

Odpadno  elektrièno  in  elektronsko  opremo  lahko 

oddate  brezplaèno  tudi  distributerju  neposredno  ob 

dobavi elektriène oz. elektronske opreme.


Utylizacja niepotrzebnego sprzętu 

elektrycznego i elektronicznego 

Taki  symbol  na  produkcie  lub  na  jego  opakowaniu 

oznacza,  ¿e  produkt  nie  mo¿e  byæ  traktowany  jako 

odpad komunalny, lecz powinien byæ dostarczony do 

odpowiedniego punktu zbiórki sprzêtu elektrycznego i 

elektronicznego, w celu przerobu i odzysku odpadów.

W  krajach  Unii  Europejskiej  i  w  pozosta³ych  krajach 

europejskich  s¹  odrêbne  systemy  segregacji  

odpadów  przeznaczone  do  utylizacji  sprzêtu 

elektrycznego i elektronicznego. 

Przez  takie  pro  ekologiczne  zachowanie  zapobiegaj¹ 

Pañstwo  potencjalnym  negatywnym  wp³ywom  na 

środowisko  naturalne  oraz  na  zdrowie  ludzi,  jakie 

mog³yby  wyst¹piæ  w  przypadku  niew³aściwego  

procesu  sk³adowania  tego  produktu.  Przez 

zagospodarowanie  materia³ów  oszczêdzamy  równie¿ 

surowce    naturalne.    Aby  uzyskaæ    bardziej  

szczegó³owe informacje na temat przerobu i odzysku 

materia³ów  elektronicznych  z  tego  produktu,  proszê 

skontaktowaæ  siê  z  urzêdem  miasta  lub  gminy, 

lokalnym  zak³adem  utylizacji  sprzêtu  elektrycznego  i 

elektronicznego  lub  ze  sklepem,  w  którym  produkt 

zosta³ zakupiony.


Trattamento  del  dispositivo  elettrico  od 

elettronico a fine vita (Applicabile in tutti i paesi 

dell’Unione Europea e in quelli con sistema di 

raccolta differenziata)

Questo  simbolo  sul  prodotto  o  sulla  confezione 

indica  che  il  prodotto  non  deve  essere  considerato 

come un normale rifiuto domestico, ma deve invece 

essere    consegnato    ad    un    punto    di    raccolta  

appropriato  per  il  riciclo  di  apparecchi  elettrici  ed 

elettronici. Assicurandovi  che  questo  prodotto  sia 

smaltito  correttamente,  voi  contribuirete  a  prevenire 

potenziali conseguenze negative per l’ambiente e per 

la salute che potrebbero altrimenti essere causate dal 

suo  smaltimento  inadeguato.  Il  riciclaggio  dei 

materiali  aiuta  a  conservare  le  risorse  naturali.  Per 

informazioni  piú  dettagliate  circa  il  riciclaggio  di 

questo prodotto, potete contattare l’ufficio comunale, 

il  servizio  locale  di  smaltimento  rifiuti  oppure  il 

negozio dove l’avete acquistato.

DWC-ED1432(영)_CUTA(MALTA향).indd   37

2017-08-10   오후 3:11:10

Summary of Contents for DWC-ED1432

Page 1: ...ise system The washer minimizes the washing and spinning noises by sensing the amount of laundry Child Lock The Child Lock system has been used to prevent children from pressing any button to change the program during operation Self Cleaning Course of Drum Enable to Self Cleaning of Drum Digital Condensing Dry System Condensing Dry System with saving energy DWC ED1432 영 _CUTA MALTA향 indd 1 2017 08...

Page 2: ...operly and safely Please read it carefully Parts and features 3 Washer Dryer safety 4 Installation instructions 7 Inlet hose connection 8 Electrical requirements 9 Operating your washer 10 The functions of the control panel 12 Washing procedure and program selection 13 Maintenance 31 HOW TO CLEAN THE FILTER 32 REMOVING STAINS 33 TROUBLE SHOOTING 34 SPECIFICATION 35 Wiring diagram 35 DWC ED1432 영 _...

Page 3: ... this book Your model may not include all features The parts and features of your washer are illustrated on the page Become familiar with all parts and features before using your washer inlet hose DETERGENT CASE door Cover Pump POWER CORD CONTROL PANEL HOSE DRAIN Hose drain Inlet hose Manual Cap holder 4EA Spanner Option DWC ED1432 영 _CUTA MALTA향 indd 3 2017 08 10 오후 3 10 59 ...

Page 4: ...nufacturer or its service agent or a similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard If the appliance is supplied from a cord extension set or electrical portable outlet device it should be positioned so that it is not subjected to splashing or ingress of moisture The lint trap has to be cleaned frequently if applicable The tumble dryer is not to be used if industrial chemicals have been use...

Page 5: ...uch as foam rubber latex foam shower caps waterproof textiles rubber backed articles and clothes or pillows fitted with foam rubber pads should not be dried in the tumble dryer The appliance is not to be used by persons including children with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction Children shall no...

Page 6: ...r storing oil affected items can prevent heat from escaping and so create a fire hazard If it is unavoidable that fabrics that contain vegetable or cooking oil or have been contaminated by hair care products be placed in a tumble dryer they should first be washed in hot water with extra detergent this will reduce but not eliminate the hazard WARNING Never stop a tumble dryer before the end of the ...

Page 7: ... horizontal installation Carpet does not obstruct the openings for washing machines with ventilation openings in the base Leave some space right left 2cm rear 10cm In case of built in installation the distance between top of the washer and bottom of upper plate should be at least 3mm 1 Before operating the washer remove the transit bolts 4ea along with the rubber If the bolts are not removed it ma...

Page 8: ...nlet TAPE Connector Raccorclement B Raccorclement A Connector Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector inlet TAPE Connector Raccorclement B Raccorclement A Connector Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector inlet TAPE Connector Raccorclement B Raccorclement A Connector Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector Rubber Packing hose Connector in...

Page 9: ...se a malfunction Electrical shock hazard Failure to follow these instructions could result in death or serious injury Electrical earth is required on this washer If it does not fit the outlet have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electrician Don t earth to a gas pipe Don t change the power supply cord plug Check with a qualified electrician if you are not sure the washer is properly earthe...

Page 10: ...ves you this important information Preparing clothes for washing Remove pins buckles coins and other hard objects from clothings pockets etc before putting the wash into the washing machine Failing which can cause malfunction or damages to the drum assembly pump and others Close zippers snaps and hooks to avoid snagging other items Remove pin buckles and other hard objects to avoid scratching the ...

Page 11: ... the water than heavy items towels jeans Adding detergent Soil Heavy Normal Light Separate clothes according to amount of soil Color White Lights Darks Separate white clothes from colored clothes Lint Lint producers Collectors Wash lint producers and lint collectors separately Detergent case Adding fabric softener If desired add measured liquid fabric softener to the softener inlet Pour liquid fab...

Page 12: ...e You can select the course you want and each lamp is turned on when that course is selected As the button is pressed the wash course is selected by Prewash Soak Wash You can select the course you want and each lamp is turned on when that course is selected As the button is pressed the wash course is selected by Cupboard Very Iron Low Time To pre engage time for washing As the button is pressed th...

Page 13: ...hing Reservation can be made from 1 hour to 19 hours example To make reservation to start washing in 8 hours Procedure to press the button Each pressing of the button advances time delay by one hour Now the reservation is made If you want to check the selected program press the Start Pause button again Preparing washing before starting Time Delay Turn on the water tap Load laundry and close the do...

Page 14: ...ck sack Cold 95 C Refer to rating label Drum Clean To clean Drum Cold 95 C Less than 3kg Rinse Spin Conduct Rinse and spin only Cold Refer to rating label Cotton ECO First check if laundry is machine washable white cotton linen towel and sheets 40 C 60 C Refer to rating label Colorfast garments shirts night dresses pajamas and lightly soiled white cottons underwear Sports Wear Lightly soiled fast ...

Page 15: ...nto the detergent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash and prewash compartments in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level Put detergent into the prewash compartment only if you want to add prewash When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Selec...

Page 16: ...ewash compartments in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level Put detergent into the prewash compartment only if you want to add prewash When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select the Synthetic program using program selection dial Washing temperature 40 C spin...

Page 17: ... in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select the Handwash program using program selection dial Washing temperature Cold spin 400 rpm are selected automatically 4 Press Start Pause button The Door is locked By sensing t...

Page 18: ...t of bubbles use appropriate amount 1 Put the laundry in the drum Put detergent and softener into the detergent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash compartment in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3...

Page 19: ...case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash compartment in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select the Dark wash program using program selection dial Washing temperature Cold spin 400 rpm are selected au...

Page 20: ... 1 Put the laundry in the drum Put detergent and softener into the detergent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash and prewash compartments in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level Put detergent into the prewash compartment only if you want to add prewash When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power butto...

Page 21: ...ering the temperature of hot wash water instead of directly draining it Therefore this is not a malfuction Be careful with the draining water since it can be still hot although the temperature is lowered 1 Press the Power button The LED shows only signal 2 Select the Drum Clean program using program selection dial Soak and spin 400 rpm and Cold water temperature Dry option Cup board is selected au...

Page 22: ... Door Softener should be below MAX level 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only signal 3 Select the RINSE SPIN program using program selection dial 800 rpm spin speed is selected automatically If you want to change Spin condition press each corresponding button 4 Press the Start Pause button The washer will be operated with locking Door RINSE SPIN PROGRAM DWC ED1432 영 _CUTA MALTA향 indd 22 201...

Page 23: ...or Put detergent into the main wash compartment in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level Put detergent into the prewash compartment only if you want to add prewash When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select Cotton Eco program using program selection dial Was...

Page 24: ...gent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash compartment in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select Sports Wear program using program selection dial Washing temperature 20 C spin 400 rpm are selected...

Page 25: ...nd softener into the detergent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash compartment in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with detergent 2 Press the Power button The LED shows only and all Program Lights turn on 3 Select the Quick wash program using program selection dial Washing temperature C...

Page 26: ...the temperature is lowered 1 Put the laundry in the drum Put detergent and softener into the detergent case Then close the door Put detergent into the main wash and prewash compartments in the detergent case Softener should be below the MAX level Put detergent into the prewash compartment only if you want to add prewash When you want to use bleach put it into the main wash compartment with deterge...

Page 27: ...y COTTON DRY NOTE Suitable dry for the cotton Do not use the detergent and softener Cold water tap should be opened After finishing this program is showed on PCB board alternately and the smoothing creases program is conducted during 30 minute and then power is OFF Be careful the high temperature of laundry when put out clothes A little shrikage and deformation will be possibly happened after dryi...

Page 28: ... dry for the synthetics Do not use the detergent and softener Cold water tap should be opened After finishing this program is showed on PCB board alternately and the smoothing creases program is conducted during 30 minute and then power is OFF Be careful the high temperature of laundry when put out clothes A little shrikage and deformation will be possibly happened after drying so check clothes wh...

Page 29: ...signal 3 Select the Air Refresh program using program selection dial Dry option Low is selected automatically 4 Press Start Pause button The washer will be operated with locking door supplying water after sensing the amount of laundry automatically AIR REFRESH PROGRAM NOTE Air refresh is for disinfect or deodorize DWC ED1432 영 _CUTA MALTA향 indd 29 2017 08 10 오후 3 11 07 ...

Page 30: ...or supplying water after sensing the amount of laundry automatically QUICK WASH DRY NOTE Please use under 1kg Only 1 hour from Wash to Dry Cold water tap should be opened After finishing this program is showed on PCB board alternately and the smoothing creases program is conducted during 30 minute and then power is OFF Be careful the high temperature of laundry when put out clothes A little shrika...

Page 31: ...s helps avoid accidental flooding due to a water pressure surge while you are away To winterize washer To use washer again Turn off water faucet Disconnect and drain water inlet hoses Run washer on a drain and spin setting for 1 minute Unplug the power supply cord Flush water pipes and hoses Reconnect water inlet hoses Turn on water faucet Reconnect power supply cord Exterior Interior Wipe up dete...

Page 32: ...E RiB SUiT CAP CAP Filter Frame Lint Filter FILTER COnTAinER CAP CASE FILTER CAP CAP FILTER CASE GUiDE RiB SUiT CAP CAP Filter Frame Lint Filter FILTER COnTAinER CAP CASE FILTER CAP CAP FILTER CASE GUiDE RiB SUiT CAP CAP Cleaning the drain filter This drain filter is used to screen the foreign stuffs such as threads coins pins buttons etc If the drain filter is not cleaned at proper time every 10 ...

Page 33: ...the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric type Cream Milk Ice cream Rinse in COLD water and wash normally If stain is still apparent sponge with white spirits Deodorant Rub affected area with white vinegar and then rinse out in COLD water Sponge with white spirits Treat stiffened areas with enzyme prewash Egg Soak in a COLD enzyme prewash rinse and wash normally Fabric Softener Rub affected a...

Page 34: ... display Did you close the door Please push the door to be closed properly when error is displayed Then Push the start button the washing machine will work again Vibrating and too noisy Is the washer installed on an uneven floor Have all the transit bolts removed Most problems are easily solved if you understand the cause Check the following list for problem before calling for service If the error...

Page 35: ...Mass Of Textile kg 10kg 7kg Unit Weight Net Gross 67kg 70 5kg Spin Speed RPM Max 1400 Operating Water Pressure 0 03MPa 0 80MPa 0 30kgf cm2 8 00kgf cm2 Rated Voltage 230V Rated Frequency 50Hz Rated Power 2000W Dry Rated Power 1800W IP Code IPX 4 DWC ED1432 영 _CUTA MALTA향 indd 35 2017 08 10 오후 3 11 09 ...

Page 36: ...otre déchetterie ou le magasin où vous avez acheté le produit Deutsch Entsorgung von gebrauchten elektrischen und elektronischen Geräten Anzuwenden in den Ländern der Europäischen Union und anderen europäischen Ländern mit einem separaten Sammelsystem für diese Geräte Das Symbol auf dem Produkt oder seiner Verpackung weist darauf hin dass dieses Produkt nicht als normaler Haushaltsabfall zu behand...

Page 37: ... helyi hulladékgyûjtõ szolgáltatóhoz vagy ahhoz az üzlethez ahol a terméket megvásárolta Slovensko Oddaja stare elektriène in elektronske opreme veljavno v evropski uniji in ostalih evropskih državah s sistemom zbiranja loèenih odpadkov Èe se na izdelku ali a njegovi embalaži nahaja ta simbol pomeni da z izdelkom ne smete ravnati enako kot z drugimi gospodinjskimi odpadki Morate ga oddati na ustre...

Page 38: ...aran Norsk Avhending av gamle elektriske og elektroniske apparater gjelder i den Europeiske Unionen og andre europeiske land med separat innsamlingssystem Dette symbolet på produktet eller innpakningen indikerer at dette produktet ikke må håndteres som husholdningsavfall I stedet skal det leveres inn til spesielt innsamlingspunkt for gjenvinning av det elektriske og elektroniske utstyret Ved å sør...
