• The air conditioner isn't
working at all.
• You can't regulate the
• Air does blow out, but
when cool/hot air doesn't
come out.
• You can't set the fan
• The wireless remote con-
troller isn't working.
• Strange sound from the
air conditioner
• Dew forms around the air
• Cool/Heat Mode Indicator
is blinking.
Possible Causes
• Isn't the power switch blocked?
• Isn't the Fuse cut off?
• Hasn't the power gone off?
• Is the remote controller working nor-
• Isn't the Fan or Quick Mode ap-
• Isn't the Fan Mode applied?
• Isn't the air filter clogged?
• Is there any obstacle around the
outdoor unit?
• Isn't the air conditioner affected by
the direct rays of the sun?
• Isn't the air conditioner turned on af-
ter being turned off?
• Isn't the desired temperature higher
or lower than present temperature?
• Isn't the Quick Mode or Dehumidifier
Mode applied?
• Isn't the battery low?
• Is it clear near the remote controller
receiving part on the indoor unit?
• Has the air conditioner been turned
on long enough to work normally?
• Is the humidity in the room normal?
• Turn on the main supply switch
• Replace the fuse with one which
meets standard requirements.
• Check out other electric appliances.
• Check out if the battery polarity is ac-
curate and replace it with new one.
• Temperature is not supposed to be
set during Fan/Quick Mode.
• Try Cool/Heat Mode.
• Clean the air filter following the air fil-
ter maintenance.
• Heat exchange isn't working normal-
ly. Remove the obstacles.
• Window shade is needed.
• Don't worry. In case that the air con-
ditioner is turned on right after being
turned off, for the protection of air
conditioner, the outdoor unit doesn't
work for 3 minutes.
• Regulate proper desired tempera-
• In this case, fan speed is set auto-
matically, so you don't need to regu-
late it.
• Replace the battery with new one.
• Remove the obstacles.
• The change in the sound could be
caused by a change in the current of
cooling gas according to modes,
which is normal.
• Dew could be formed by the moisture
in the air. Wipe it with a dry towel.
• Please contact the authorized service
center or appliance distributor you