• Pull the basket out of the appliance.
• It is recommended to occasionally remove the frying basket during cooking,
so food items can be shaken. This means all items will be evenly browned
on all sides. Once the frying basket is removed from the device, the device
stops working and the power LED indicator switches off. When the frying
basket is placed back, the device continues the cooking process for the
remaining time.
• Caution
: Prevent burn injuries. Do not touch the frying
basket; it is very hot. When removing the frying basket,
use a heatproof stand or coaster and kitchen gloves for extra support.
• Use the handle to remove the frying basket from the device and place the
frying basket on a stable, horizontal, flat heat-resistant surface.
• Remove the food from the frying basket and place it on a plate or dish
• Caution:
Prevent burn injuries. Do not touch the frying.
basket; it is very hot. When removing ingredients (e.g.
beef, chicken, meat or other ingredients with original oil or juices), excess oil
or juices will have collected at the bottom of the frying basket. DO NOT turn
the basket over, otherwise oil or juices collected at the bottom of the frying
basket will leak onto the ingredient or leak out onto the surface. Please use
tongs to pick up these ingredients one by one in order to prevent hot oil or
juice spillages and possible burn injuries.
• Do not use metal items to remove food from the frying basket. This prevents
the non-stick coating from being damaged.