Daewoo DABX1 Series User Manual Download Page 1

Manufactured under license of 

Daewoo International Corporation, Korea




Arc welders


Please read this manual carefully before using it, for correctly using it
This  manual listing all items is sure of using the equipment safety and guarantees you or others from 
damage and hurt.
The  design and manufacture of this welder considers safety totally. Please obey  these notices of 
this manual, otherwise can cause great accidents such as death ou hurt.
Wrong using the welder will cause the damage of hurt of the following 3 different degrees, as for it,    
the marning warning marks and words for showing the caution.

Above marks only using at common situations.
Badly hurts above are of sight-hurt, injury (high

low temperature)hurt Live-wire

fracture,poision etc 

which can leave sequelas and need to live at hospital for treatments: light injury points out that hurls 
need not to him at hospital and long-time treatments at a hospital etc: tihngs-damage stands  for 
loss of property an  break of machines. at the usage of the welder following marks stand for Must do 
and Should not do

Above marks only using at common simations.

Please obey the safety items

  Danger in case avoiding great humansaccidents,please      obey the following items.

1. The design, manufacture of the welder considers the safery wholly and
please care for the notice items of the manual during using it,otherwise can cause great human s 
accidents such as death or badly injury.
2. Please  obey   some  relative  tuies  and  the  intemal standards of your company as  for in stalla-
tion of input operations  choice of equipminr place

usage  of high-pressure gas maintain and arran-

gement of trash after walding etc.
3. No-relative  persons  are  forbidden to enter into the insioe of welding area.
4. Perasons  using  heart start - pulse are forbidden to enter into the around of  welding area. when 
the welder  being connecied to the  current can produce a magnetio field and cause a  worse in 
fiuence to the beart start -pulse.
5. pldase make qualified or experienced man install,   maintion and repair.
6. In case for safety, please understand the contens of the manual correctly and please make a man 
with safety usage knowledge of tech-nical ablilry operate the welder.
7. No using the welder for other operations exception for welding.

  Danger please obey the following rules in case for avoiding live-wire.

  In case touching the charged parts,it can cause fatal ele-ctricity shock or buro.

1. Please do not touch any charged parts.
2. Please let an electrician have the welder and vorkpiece ground accotding to rules.
3. Must close the currency of the power-distribution box during installation and repairrnent and 
re-operate after 5 minures.
4. Please do not use the cable without enough capacity and the, cable with broken insulation cover.
5. Please guarantee insulation of cable-connection part.
6. Please do not use the welder under removing the case.
7. Please use arid insulation gloves.
8. Please use safe-web when operate at high place.
9. On fixed  time repairing maintaining, reuse it after repaining damaged parts.
10. Please close all the currency of input when the operation is over.
11. Please use the apparatus of antilive-wire operating at a narrow of high place.

Notice please use  the ruled protection appararus in case for avoiding the hurts to you and others 
such as are light,splashing,welding dregs and noise.

 Are light can cause human s hurts such as eyes inflammation or skin burn.

      Splashing weldign dregs can  burn eyes or skin.

Noise can obstruct the sense of hearing.
1. Please use the protection apparatus with enough light-hjdden degree.
2. Please put on protection glasses.
3. Please use fur-gloves


 overfeet fur apron etc.protection appararus during welding.

4. Arranging protecting shield around operating area can avoid to damage others by arc-light.
5. When the noise is great.please use the soundproof apparatues.

 Notice please use the  mled protection apparatus in case for avoiding the damage you and  
others by gas,smoke and dust.

Welding srnoke dust and gas will damage human s health. At a narrow place,welding can  
canse suffocation because it is short of oxygen.

1. Please use ruled  part-exhaust equipment and respiration-protection apparatus in case  for 
aviding to produce gas-poision and suffocation.
2. When  weldign at  a narrow place,  please accept the check-in  of an inspirator and should  fully  
exchange the  air and use respiration protection apparatus.
3. Please do  not weld at any  area of  degreasing,washing and spraying.
4. When  welding any  steel plate  with plating  or coating layer, please use the respiration protection 
Notice please obey the following rules in case for avoi-ding to cause fire explosion and soon.

 Shplashing and hot-workpiece which is just welded can produce fire.

When current circuit at workpicce of bad connecting part of a cable, reinforcing bar etc. 

cause no-full connection,it can cause electrifing heat.
Please do not weld on the container holding flammable material otherwise it can produce explosion.
Please do not weld any airtight container.such as notches (boxes) piper ets.,otherwise can produce split.

1. Please do not arrange flammable things ar the welding place.
2. Please do not weld near to fiammable gas.
3. Please do not place any hot workpiece nearto fiammable things.
4. Please clean up ail the flammable  things at the back when welding courtyard floor and wall.
5. Please ensure insulation at the cable connection point.
6. The connection cable of workpiece side should be near to the welding place.
7. Please do not weld at any holding gas pipe airtight etc.
8. Arrange fire extinguishers near to welding place, in case for avoiding fire.

 Notice please obey the following rules in case for avoiding to fall of gas bottle split of gas 


   The fall of  gas bottle can prduce human s accidents. Because the gas-bottle holds 

high-pressure gas,it can cause shooting of bigh-pressure gas by wrong usage.

1. Please correctly use a gas-bottle according to rules.
2. please use gas regulators which our company suggests and adapt.
3. Please read the manual or a gas regulator before using it and obey the notice items.
4. Please do not place the gas bottle at a high temperature on direct sunshine place.
5. When opening the valve of the gas bottle,please do not make faces near to the utter of the gas.
6. Please install a sareguarding cover of the gas-bottle when not using it.
7. Please do not put down the welding torch oe the gas bottle,and the charge can not touch the 

 Notice please  obey the following rules because it can cause hurts by touching turn-parts.

Please do not let fingers

hair and dresses etc.move near to the turn parts  of cool -wind fan 

and driving wheel  of feed driver etc.
1. Please do not use the welder under the removing the case.
2. Please let a professional or expertenced man install.operate repair and maintain
3. Please do not let  fingers.hair and dresses etc.move near to the rurn-parts of cool-wind fan and 
driving wheel etc. 

 Notice piease obey  the following rules because an  end of an welding  wire can cause hurts.

The weiding  wire shooting from the welding torch can hurt eyes. faces etc.(revealing parts of 

the human s body)
1. When ensuning about the  weiding wire.  please do not check  in the hole of transmitting 
electricity,otherwise  shooting welding  wire can  hurt eyes and faces.
2. When moving welding wire by hand or pushing the switch, please do not make welding torch 
move near any revealing part such as eyse.faces etc.

 Notice please obey the following rules because the air-pla-sma welder can cause burns.

 Please do not let any part of the body(such as fingers )move near to air-plasma 

operaiton,otherwise it can cause burns.
1. When outting ,fingers should leave the spray-head charges of cutting torch ends.
2. Please do not make cutting operation by holding the near part of a workpiece.
3. When changing the spray-head

charges,pleaseclose the mains.

 Notice please obey the following rules in case for avoiding to cause fires because of the 

worse of insulation of welding mains.

 Splashing grinding can make steel powder go into the inside of mains,and can produce the 

wores of insulation or cause fires.

1. Please separate welding operation

gringding operation from the welding mains in case  for 

avoiding  splashing  steel- powder go  into the inside of mains.
2. Please maintain repair  at fixed time  in case for avoiding  to cause worse of insulation by 
powder-dust pliing up.
3. Please close the switch  of welding  mains and the switch of  the power-distrbution box, then 
clean  up by  press air  when splashing. steel-p owder go into the inside  of mains.

2. USE

Duty Cycle:
The  duty   cycle   is  the ratio of real working time among the whole working time. (Ten minutes is 
one cycle.) For instance,60% of rated duty cycle is welding 6 minutes, then unloading for 4 
minutes.When it operated under the rated elecrtic   current.  italso can operate althongh under high 
rate of load sustenance at  this time,the exchanging formula of rated duty cycle is following:
Dury cycle of really usrng current 

(rated output current)²


 rated duty cycle


          (Really using output current)²

Welder Installation:

When installing, please notice the following items:

Please put it at a place (such as enough plate, low shake, out of 20cm distance to the wall).


Please put it at a clean,arid place without steel powder

dust and paints.


Please put it at a place which can avoid raining ,soaking and corro-      ding of sea-water.


1. Giound (a) At one side of the case there is the ground ends hedhind the case. please use copper 
wire(above 14mm  2)to ground.
Rated input voltage 300-600V and grounding resistance is 10 

Ω    P    

lease entrust a professional 

petson(an electrician)to groundit.
2. Connection of power supply:
A welder is disposed an electricily-distributi on box with current - protection apparatus (such as 
switch and fuse etc.), Is connected its output end to the input end of the welder through 
cobles.please refer to the following  granh  about  the  capacity of electrcity - distriution box and the 
section area  of the cable.  Specially notice the curreot puotection apparratus  such  as  fuses  etc.  
Please  use  the  correct  capaciry  and  do not use the greeter one.
3. connection of weldign ends:
An end is connected to the oable of welding toreb and the other end is connected to the workpiece 
through connetiong calbe
The  workpiece must  be grounded when  operating in case for en suring safety.

[Notice items for connection]
When connecting cables etc.,please close the mains switch of the power -distribution box.
Every cable is connected by copper ends and then insulated with insulating tape.after fixed by a bolt 
or a nut.

The cable of above list is copper-core cable. 
Usage methods:
Operating according to the  following  sequence.

1. Please ensure the rared specification on the main board of this welder, then use  i t in case fo r 
avoiding wrong  usage. 

A void over loading usage:


Badly over  loading can burn the welder even though,it does not burn it can also reduce the 

using life.
(2) Ovetioading  can produce noise and make cuttent-adjust handle difficult to turn ete.
3. The connection between  welding  ends and cable should be  firm,otherwise badly   connection  
will cause some  parts heat,make ends and cables burn down. Please  notice it carefully.
4. Too  long output cable  can cause a  badly moving of current,add loss of  electric  power. Too  old 
cable  and surface insulation damanged can produce ARC unstabilily  so that must  changed the old 
one  by a  new one.
5. When operation finishes,must close the mains.
The sliding structure of the  movable ironcore has been adjusted  wholly  and piease do not change 
it  without special requumenrs.
In summer,please  do not use  it under the direct sunshine for a  long time and  will do  your best to 
put the welder at  a shadow  place  Please aviod to use it at great hurnid.    fall steel powder and full 
dust places.
8. During using it,     the temperature of   case  will
rise very  high(50


),The insulation grade of coils  is   F,  Please  use   it according to the Rated 

Duty Cycle.
9 Notice items for applicable ratios:
(1) Do not use the welder(50Hz)at the area of 50Hz.
(2) The output current input KVA and power factor etc. will  change although  you can use the welder 
(50Hz)at the  60Hz place.
10. Keep the stable  voltage of the rnains and from
any aspect, the welder  does not hope to change voltage of mains.
When mains voltage  is lower  than the input voltage of the rated voltage  of a  welder,it will  cause:
(1) The current of welding is too low.
(2) Produce  broken arc or unstable arc. When higher than the rated inpur voltage:
(1) weldign current is too great.
(2) Produce noise  and it is difficult for turning the adjusting hand-wheel  of current.
(3) Shorten the life of the  welder
11. Please remember  to put on a  comect overcoat and applicable prorecting apparatus in ease for 
avoiding  an operator to get an  accident hutt.
12. Please remove  the plotecting cover then operate, when it operates with the  dust cover of 
polyethylene it can cause a hnrt.


In case lengthening using life,   please  also  maintain or repair the machine carefully except above 
notice items Make a repair to a welder at lease every six month as according to the  following  
points. During repair, please remember close the current switch of power-distribution box and the 
current switch of the welder.
Using insulant resistant meter checks the insulant resistance between primary coil and secondary 
coii,    any coils  and  the  ground  at least sbouldabove 1M



Dust can reduce insulant function a nd make t he c oils o verheat s o t hat you should use presure air 
to clean piled dust at coils and other parts.
3. Check in the conducting situation of the mains switch and there are
traces of overheat or not .If there is hurt on the surface of the conduct-    ing, you should repair 
4. Do your best to clean the  dust   on  the  surface of sliding of movable
iron core and the moving  guide screw.  Then pour into grease and the best applicable one is MoS2.

sliding part of the  slideway uses self-lubricating material does not. need anv grease.  Greasing  will 
make a bad effect on sliding. Please notice it.
5. Check in bolts and tightening situationsof-screws and if there are any fiexibilty then tighten them 
6. As soon as  it needs repairing because of break down,please tell a trading shop the type number, 
production number as soon as possible.


DABX 1-250

Input Voltage: 380 V ± 10% ~ 50 Hz
Input Capacity: 16.5 kVA
No load voltage: 66 V
Output current: 200 A
Welding current: 50-250 A
Rated duty cycle: 35%
Insulation class: F
Protection grade: IP21S
Applied welding rod: 2.0 - 3.2 mm
N.W. / G.W. : 65/70 kg

DABX 1-400

Input Voltage: 380 V ± 10% ~ 50 Hz
Input Capacity: 33.4 kVA
No load voltage: 72 V
Output current: 220 A
Welding current: 80-400 A
Rated duty cycle: 35%
Insulation class: F
Protection grade: IP21S
Applied welding rod: 2.5 - 4.0 mm
N.W. / G.W. : 70/80 kg

DABX 1-500

Input Voltage: 380 V ± 10% ~ 50 Hz

Input Capacity: 41.8 kVA
No load voltage: 76 V
Output current: 260 A
Welding current: 100-500 A
Rated duty cycle: 35%
Insulation class: F
Protection grade: IP21S
Applied welding rod: 3.2 - 4.0 mm
N.W. / G.W. : 81/91 kg

DABX 1-630

Input Voltage: 380 V ± 10% ~ 50 Hz
Input Capacity: 52.6 kVA
No load voltage: 76 V
Output current: 400 A
Welding current: 120-630 A
Rated duty cycle: 35%
Insulation class: F
Protection grade: IP21S
Applied welding rod: 3.2 - 5.0 mm
N.W. / G.W. : 92/105 kg

DABX 1-800

Input Voltage: 380 V ± 10% ~ 50 Hz
Input Capacity: 52.6 kVA
No load voltage: 76 V
Output current: 500 A
Welding current: 145-800 A
Rated duty cycle: 35%
Insulation class: F
Protection grade: IP21S
Applied welding rod: 3.2 - 6.0 mm
N.W. / G.W. : 110/123 kg


Summary of Contents for DABX1 Series

Page 1: ...Manufactured under license of Daewoo International Corporation Korea www daewoopowerproducts com USER S MANUAL DABX1 SERIES Arc welders...


Page 3: ...nger and injuries c This welding machine is designed and made carefully on the base of safety consideration During your use please conform your operation to the notice or some severe fatal accidents s...

Page 4: ...ase touching the charged parts it can cause fatal electricity shock or burn 1 Please do not touch any charged parts 2 Please ask an electrician operate the welder and workpiece ground according to rul...

Page 5: ...pparatus Notice please obey the following rules in case for avoi ding to cause fire explosion and soon Splashing and hot workpiece which is just welded can produce fire When current circuit at workpic...

Page 6: ...ool wind fan and driving wheel etc Notice please obey the following rules because an end of an welding wire can cause hurts The weiding wire shooting from the welding torch can hurt eyes faces etc rev...

Page 7: ...such as enough plate low shake out of 20cm distance to the wall b Please put it at a clean arid place without steel powder dust and paints c Please put it at a place which can avoid raining soaking a...

Page 8: ...A 500A 25 35 50 50 50 75 6 6 10 10 14 25 60 60 75 75 100 120 1 Open the switch of the power distribution box ON Prepare items installation connection 2 Open the mains switch of the welder Turn the swi...

Page 9: ...e input voltage of the rated voltage of a welder it will cause 1 The current of welding is too low 2 Produce broken arc or unstable arc When higher than the rated inpur voltage 1 weldign current is to...

Page 10: ...TION DABX 1 250 Input Voltage 380 V 10 50 Hz Input Capacity 16 5 kVA No load voltage 66 V Output current 200 A Welding current 50 250 A Rated duty cycle 35 Insulation class F Protection grade IP21S Ap...

Page 11: ...1 630 Input Voltage 220 380 V 10 50 Hz Input Capacity 52 6 kVA No load voltage 76 V Output current 400 A Welding current 120 630 A Rated duty cycle 35 Insulation class F Protection grade IP21S Applied...

Page 12: ...www daewoopowerproducts com Manufactured under license of Daewoo International Corporation Korea...
