Operating Your Telecoil System
Hearing With Integrated Telecoil
By sliding switch (4) to position T, the internal induction-coil is operated
and the microphone is deactivated. As a result, only signals coming from
special induction loops, e.g. in churches and public buildings, are
received. In assembly halls that do not have an induction-loop, you should
sit near the speaker.
Also, the loud-speaker of the telephone radiates electromagnetic signals.
During telephone use, select the T setting and put the receiver of the
phone on the hearing aid. As a result speech intelligibility will be
improved. If the phone radiates insufficient electromagnetic signals, you
may have to alter the switch to the M setting. In the M position the
microphone is operational and the surrounding sounds can be heard.
Use Of Mobile Phones
Today's mobile phones radiate strong electromagnetic fields which may
interfere with the hearing aid. Should you wish to use a mobile phone,
you can remove the earmould and you can use the telephone without the
hearing aid.
You can also use the phone on the non-aided ear, or you can ask your
mobile phone dealer for appropriate accessories for your phone. Some
models may feature Mobile Interference Protection (refer to your
hearing care professional).
Selection Switch