D2D Technologies
FLEX 3000 V5.2-2301
1. Inserting a TSoIP stream:
Make certain that the stream is present on the end of the Ethernet line either in the ETH 1 or ETH 2 port
on the transport Streams page, click on the gear icon next to the IP input you wish to bring it in on. Unlike
ASI, TSoIP inputs are “Virtual” and assignable so therefore do not align with a specific input port.
certain that the port is “Enabled”
Dejitter Buffer:
This will “Buffer” the incoming stream and smooth out common jitter.
Input the stream information either by using the boxes, or as in this case, paste the URL into the URL
override. Using the URL override negates all the other boxes.
NOTE: If the s
tream is UDP, you can just replace the “SRT” with “UDP”
Once the information is filled out, be sure to click on SAVE, then Click Back to Streams.
Once you are back on the Transport Streams page. You’ll need to click Apply and Rescan
Then, active data/services should show up on the IP input on the Status page.