2.4GHz/5GHz Multi-SSID
SSID Service:
There four options-“Private”, “Home security”, “Home hotspot”, “future
service” for users to select the appropriate settings for specific SSID.
Enable SSID
: Check the box to enable the service.
Wireless Network name
: The user may provide a SSID name in this option.
Visibility Status
: Select the options to allow the SSID is open to wireless clients.
Default is “Visible”. You may configure to “Invisible” that your SSID will not be
broadcasted by DXN-W224.
HT20/40 Coexistence
: The default is HT20/40 coexist. Enable this to allow connection
for both 11n or non-11n wireless devices.
WMM enable
: Check this box to allow the
: Support the security to protect your wireless network from unsecure access.
Enter the security settings and pre shared key in this section.