Using the AP Manager (continued)
Device Configuration>DHCP
• DHCP Server: Enable or disable the
DHCP server function..
• IP Assigned From: Enter the first
available IP address to be used on your
• Range of Pool (1~255): Enter the
number of available IP addresses.
• SubMask: Enter the subnet mask.
• Gateway: Enter the gateway IP
address, typically a router.
• Wins: Wins (Windows Internet Naming
Service) is a system that determines
the IP address of a network computer
with a dynamically assigned IP address.
• DNS: The IP address of the DNS server.
• Domain Name: Enter the domain name of the DWL-2200AP.
• Lease Time: The period of time before the DHCP server will assign a new IP address.
• Status: This option turns on or off the dynamic pool settings.
Configuration Files
The DWL-2200AP allows you to save the device settings to a configuration file. To save a
configuration file, follow these steps:
• Select a device from the Device List on the main screen of the AP Manager.
• Click the device configuration button.
• Click the Save button after you have all of the settings as you want them.
• A popup window will appear prompting you for a file name and location. Enter the file
name, choose a file destination, and click Save.
Device Configuration button.