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Boxee Box


StreaM, Sort, anD play Digital MeDia on your tV

WHat tHiS proDuCt DoeS

the Boxee Box (DSM-380) provides an 

easy way to bring multimedia to your 

television. Simply connect the Boxee Box 

to the internet using a wireless or wired 

connection. plug in the HDMi cable, and 

off you go. Boxee’s 10-foot user interface 

allows you to comfortably browse through 

content from the comfort of your couch. 

Boxee provides access to content from a 

wide variety of online sources.

key FeatureS



Wireless n capability



remote with 4-way navigation and 

QWerty keypad



2 uSB ports



SD card slot



HDMi port



Support for major formats including: 

adobe Flash 10.1, H.264, and Mp3



intel atom Ce4100 processor

your netWork Setup

poWer ConneCtor

Connects to the power adapter

analog auDio portS

Connects to analog audio

optiCal auDio port (S/pDiF)

Connects to your sound system

HDMi port

Connects to an HD television set

rear uSB portS

Connect to uSB storage

etHernet port

Connects to your network

poWer Button

turns the device on/off

Menu Button

For menu functions

DireCtional paD

For directional navigation of menus

play/pauSe Button

pause or resume playback

MeDia CarD Slot

accepts SD cards

reMote Control

Front panel

rear panel

QWerty keyBoarD

For entering text
