The Setup Wizard
DSA-5100 Installation Guide
Step 5 - Configure Public LAN
• IP Address and Subnet Mask: Enter the IP
Address and Subnet Mask of the DSA-5100 for the
Public LAN port.
• Disable DHCP Server: If this option is selected,
then LAN clients must be configured with an IP
address manually.
• Enable DHCP Server: When selected, this allows
the DSA-5100 to automatically provide the
necessary IP information to all Public LAN clients
configured for DHCP.
Step 5 - Set Public LAN’s DHCP Server
• Start IP Address, End IP Address: These fields
define the IP address range that will be assigned to
the Public LAN clients configured for DHCP.
Be sure the IP range does not conflict with any
manually configured network devices or the IP
address of the DSA-5100.
• Domain Name: Enter a domain name provided by
your ISP.
• Primary DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server:
The DNS Server settings are provided by your
Internet Service Provider. Only the Primary DNS
Server field is mandatory. Contact your ISP if you
are unsure of the DNS Server settings.
Step 6 - Restart
Click on Restart to save the current settings and
restart the DSA-5100. The Setup Wizard is complete!