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dows operating system.     

•      For the terminal port parameters set Bits per Second to 115200, Data bits to 8, 

Parity to None and Stop bits to 1.   

•      At the Login prompt type admin, no password required. 

•      Follow the instructions in the next section to set the interface addresses. 

  Setting the IP Addresses 


First set the internal interface address to be in your internal network.     
For example: 


set interface internal address 

Next set the mask for your internal subnet: 


set interface internal netmask 

Now set up the external interface: 


set interface external address 


set interface external netmask 

Set the default gateway to the gateway address provided by your ISP: 


set defaultgw 

At this point you should check the current settings.     
Use the following command: 


get system interface   

If the DMZ address is in the same subnet with the Internal or External 
interfaces it will have to be changed.    Otherwise it does not need to be 
set at this point. To change it use: 


set interface dmz address 


set interface dmz netmask 
