xStack DES-3800 Series Layer 3 Stackable Fast Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config igmp
Used to configure IGMP on the Switch.
config igmp [ipif <ipif_name 12> | all] {version <value 1-3> |
query_interval <sec 1-31744> | max_response_time <sec 1-25> |
robustness_variable <value 1-255> | last_member_query_interval
<value 1-25> | state [enable | disable]}
This command allows users to configure IGMP on the Switch.
<ipif_name 12>
The name of the IP interface for which you want to
configure IGMP.
Specifies all the IP interfaces on the Switch.
version <value 1-3>
Select the IGMP version number.
query_interval <sec 1-31744>
The time in seconds between general
query transmissions, in seconds.
max_response_time <sec 1-25>
Enter the maximum time in seconds
that the Switch will wait for reports from members.
robustness_variable <value 1-255>
This value states the permitted
packet loss that guarantees IGMP.
last_member_query_interval <value 1-25>
The Max Response Time
inserted into Group-Specific Queries and Group-and-Source specific
queries sent in response to Leave Group messages, and is also the
amount of time between Group-Specific Query and Group-and-Source
specific query messages. The default is 1 second
state [enable | disable]
Enables or disables IGMP for the specified IP
Only Administrator or Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example Usage:
To configure the IGMPv2 for all IP interfaces.
DES-3800:admin#config igmp all version 2
Command: config igmp all version 2