Using the Configuration Utility (continued)
Home >User Manager >Management Type >Local >On-
demand User Configuration (continued)
Store Name
Account Range
Receipt Header
Receipt Footer
Printer baud rate
Account expires
after __ days
Session expire
after __ minutes
Logout timer
You can specify the prefix of the user name. The maximum
is 8 characters (e.g., D-Link).
You can specify the maximum user amount which cannot
exceed 2000.
You can configure the receipt’s header in this field.
You can configure the receipt’s footer in this field.
You can specify the baud rate to support a specific printer.
The default setting is 9600.
You can specify the days before expiration in this field.
After the expiration date the user account will no longer be
available. A new session will be required.
You can specify how many minutes this account will be
available after successful login.
Logout user if the guest didn’t access the Internet for a
certain period.
You can specify the access point’s ESSID in this field.
You can specify the access point’s WEP key in the WEP
key field.
You can specify the price in this field.