Product User’s Manual – RFID-IDR-232N
Created by Cytron Technologies Sdn. Bhd. – All Right Reserved
After both power and communication line are connected, the HyperTerminal (software)
need to be configured:
a. Open HyperTerminal
b. Choose COM1 (if you connect to COM1)
c. Configure the properties of COM1 to:
i) Baud rate (Bits per second) = 9600
ii) D a t a bits = 8
iii) Parity = None
iv) Stop bits = 1
v) Flow control = None
Now, RFID-IDR-232N is ready to read address of a 125 KHz passive tag. Move
the tag slowly towards RFID-IDR-232N (top), at approximately 2cm from the casing, the
buzzer will sound, LED will turn to green when the tag move slowly towards RFID-IDR-
232N and HyperTerminal will show the tag’s ID in ASCII.