Copy: copy the specified file to specified position. Press the „back“ can-
cel to this command. If the remaining space is not enough to complete
copy operation, the mobile phone will give prompt information.
Move: move the specified file to specified position.
Detail information: view the date and size of the file.
Format: use this function can be formatted all data, the system will
re-establish the default folder.
Note: you can move the specified file or all the files and images of T-Flash
Display the calendar from January 1970 to December 2030 (Gregorian
and Lunar), show the date of the memo event. You can edit and view
the specified date memo event. Select Calendar, press left soft key, the
functions as below:
View: view the current date.
View all: view the all events.
Add event: add the new event.
Delete: delete event and all the time.
Skip to a specified date: Skip to a specific date to view or edit the memo
Switch to today: when you view the other date of calendar, you can
choose this function to return the setting date
5.4.2 ALARM
This phone offers five alarm clocks for the user to use, users can set ac-
cording to their own needs. If the alarm clock doesn’t open, the screen
has no alarm clock signs show that, the screen display sign after opening.
Press OK Key to select open or close.
Set the alarm clock.
Select the desired alarm clock ring: once a day, every day, custom choo-
se a day or some days in one week.
Prompt type: set to „vibration and ringing, only ring, only vibrate“.
Press “saves” to complete the settings.
Note: when a alarm clock ring, if you choose to sleep or no any operation
to prevent the ring, this alarm clock will default that the user has not
heard the ring, 5 minutes later, the alarm clock will ring again. No any ope-
ration, the alarm clock will shut down automatically after ring 10 times.
This function can help to view the local time all over the world.
The calculator applies simple calculate functions such as addition, sub-
traction, multiplication and division. Use the calculator, follow these steps:
EInput the first number: input the first number when the screen displays
Input operator: press the acc, -, *, / and symbol keys.
Input the second number.
Results: press OK Key, the screen will display the calculation results.