Application Note
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001-65209 Rev.*I
Getting Started with FX2LP™
Appendix D: Application Notes and Reference Designs
AN58170 - Code/Memory Banking Using EZ-USB
The EZ-USBFX2 family of chips contains an 8051 core. The 8051 core has 16-bit address lines and is able to
access 64KB of memory. However, some applications require more than 64KB. This application note describes
methods of overcoming this 64KB boundary.
AN1193 - Using Timer Interrupt in Cypress EZ-USB FX2LP Based Applications
This application note helps EZ-USBR FX2LP firmware developers to use timer interrupts in their applications.
USB® FX2LP™ GPIF and Slave FIFO Configuration Examples using 8
This application note discusses how to configure the General Programmable Interface (GPIF) and slave FIFOs in
EZ-USB FX2LP in both manual mode and auto mode to implement an 8-bit asynchronous parallel interface.
This application note is tested with two FX2LP development kits connected back-to-back; the first one
operating in master mode and the second operating in slave mode.
AN61244 - Firmware Optimization in EZ-USB
This application note describes firmware optimization methods in EZ-USB. Some of these methods are
common to any processor and some are specific to the 8051 core of EZ-USB FX2LP.
EZ USB FX2LP - Developing USB Application on MAC OS X using LIBUSB
This application note describes a host application built on the MAC OS platform that uses libusb. The host
application (Cocoa application) communicates with the BULK IN and BULK OUT endpoints ofFX2LP, using the
interfaces provided by the APIs of libusb. This host application implements the transfer with devices that pass
the particular VID/PID (=0x04B4/0x1004) identification.
AN58764 - Implementing a Virtual COM Port in FX2LP
This application note explains how to implement a virtual COM port device using the standard Windows driver
in FX2LP. This information helps to migrate from UART to USB.
AN45471 - Vendor Command Design Guide for FX2LP
This application note demonstrates how to code USB vendor commands to perform specific product. In
addition, the note explains how to use the Cypress CyConsole utility to issue vendor commands.
Reference Designs
Several reference designs of FX2LP for popular applications are available. The reference designs include
demonstration source code, reference schematics, and a BOM, where appropriate, for the design.
The reference designs available on the Cypress website are:
CY4661 - External USB Hard Disk Drives (HDD) with Fingerprint Authentication Security
The CY4661 reference design kit from Cypress and UPEK provides customers with a turnkey solution for an
external USB hard disk drive (HDD), with fingerprint authentication, and security to protect and authenticate
data. The reference design uses UPEK's Touch Strip Fingerprint Authentication Solution (TCS3 swipe
fingerprint sensor and TCD42 security ASIC).