Getting Started for FM4 S6E2DH (GAT-D)
Document No. 002-04388 Rev. *B
Figure 54. Sprite Blink
For blink effect, it could be accomplished by edit object time line to display and none display repeatedly, but special
effect set here could save memory of embedded side and save time to edit object time line, special sprite effect could
do blink endlessly.
Touch Panel Resolution
S6E2DH device generally equipped LCD, also mainly equip touch panel. The most common touch panel operation is
push button. To decide whether it is pushed on a button, need get the pushed coordinate and the button area. That
means manage all button area of each page. Usually button designed as a single object, and the object coordinate
already managed by GAT-D. So GAT-D could give out the coordinates of a certain button.
Besides, GAT-D also could give out the currently displayed page, so function software
doesn’t need manage a state
transition of display.
If a push event happened, get current displayed page firstly, and get coordinate of button on the page then, with the
pushed coordinate, whether it is a true button push could be cleared. If the push event is a display referenced, call
GAT-D API: GhcProject_sendEvent_Ex() could display the actual action. See 4.1.
B u t t o n N a m e
To support LCD device which equipped touch panel, GAT-D API in embedded side supply an API
GhcFunc_getButtonAreaByIndex() for user. Coordinate of button area can be got by calling the API. If an image or an
object is a button and want to get its coordinate area by calling the API, in PC side need to check
“Button” and input
the “Button name”. The “Button name” must apply to standard C expression which is used in calling API. See 5.1.7
also for details.