©2008 Cypress Computer Systems,Inc. • www.cypressworld.com 3/4/08
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The Cypress Duprex RF is the newest member of the Suprex family of products.
The Duprex RF 5500 series supports a wide range of additional features from previous versions of
the Suprex RF family.
Additional features:
-- DES56 Encryption for secure communications
--No channel selection is required as the units are preconfigured at the factory.
--Diagnostic mode for setup and configuration
--“Quiet” RF protocol to conserve bandwidth and power
--Field configurable reader formats
--Additional indicators for determining operational status of the unit
Initial setup and configuration.
The Duprex RF unit operates as a matched pair of units that share the same communication channel.
Each pair is configured at the factory to operate without the need to set channels.
A matched pair will have the same serial number.
Each pair communicates using an intelligent addressing algorithm. This allows multiple pairs of units
to operate in the same environment without interfering with each other.
The #1 DIP switch is the Setup/Config switch. This switch has multiple functions. With the switch in
the OFF position, the unit operates in Normal mode. When the switch is in the ON position, the unit is
in the Service / Configuration mode.
When the switch is set to Service / Configuration mode , the unit will operate using a diagnostic
protocol that will show communication activity between the Central and Remote units (The Yellow
communication LED will flash rapidly).
When switching from Service / Configuration mode to Normal mode, the unit will reset and run with a
“Quiet” RF protocol.
This Quiet protocol maintains communication between the Central and Remote units as necessary for
I/O, Badge Activity, and Supervision without requiring continuous use of the RF channel.
Initial Setup;
This manual will cover the basic installation procedure for a typical Duprex RF system.
The first step will be to configure and test the units at a bench top location where both the Central and
Remote units are close together. This will allow the setup and configuration process to occur with both
sides of the operation in view.